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Auto refresh answer sheet after time period

From Catglobe Wiki
Revision as of 07:45, 6 July 2017 by Hovietluu (talk | contribs) (v1)

This solution will help you refresh answer sheet after time period.

Here is a way that we can use to make this solution easily:

  1. Preparing JavaScript - Java Script code for questionnaire's Java Script.
    // IsTestMode : bool
    // Parameters: string : eg: &T=1
    window.callWF = function(IsTestMode, Parameters){
      if(IsTestMode) document.location = "" + Parameters;
      else		 	 document.location = "" + Parameters;
    Let's copy this code and replace the 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' by your questionnaire GUID. Then paste it into Questionnaire's Java script tab on Questionnaire Template Editor. What is Questionnaire GUID? Don't worry, I will show you how to get it below: Please see screenshot:
    this screenshot will show you where you paste this script:
    - Java Script code for question's Java Script.
  2. Adding to questionnaire
  3. Testing