In order to not allow respondent click on the Next button in a period of t
As a questionnaire creator
I want to hide the Next button in some seconds
- In questionnaire template editor, choose the question I want to hide the Next button, and then go to the Properties - Edit question properties - Language dependent - Select javascript property
- Create a onInit() function.
- In that function, check if the Next button existed.
- If it doesn't exist, do nothing, else disable the Next button, set the time out to number of seconds I want to hide the button, then show the button again.
quest.onInit = function() { var secsTimeout = 10;
if ( !document.getElementsByName('next') || document.getElementsByName('next').length == 0 ) { // next button not available return; } else { document.getElementsByName('next')[0].style.display='none'; }
var timeout = setTimeout("document.getElementsByName('next')[0].style.display=;", secsTimeout*1000);