- IE: 8.0, 7.0, 6.0
- FF: 3.6, 3.5
- Chrome: 4.1
- Safari: 4.0.5 (531.2)
- Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Presto/2.5.24 Version/10.52
- Site: (version 5.8.1)
- User: normal account
Module: Questionnaire
Questionnaire viewer
- How to test:
- Normal way: Add sample, build then login by user in sample to test, or
- Use access code: Build sample, click button “Access code” in Sample builder dialog to get Access code list, then use Anonymous survey hyperlink with uac=1 (no parameter n,b)
- Use Anonymous survey hyperlink with n=2&b=1,
Conditions | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok |
Properties | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok |
CGScript | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok |
Java Script | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok |
End question | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok |
Dummy question | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok |
Media question | Ok | Ok | Ok | No* | No* | No* | No* | No* |
Flash | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok | Ok |
(*)The browser always asks for a required version Window Media Player even already had a newest version in the machine.
Module: Report
Report viewer
Diagram viewer
Monitor viewer
Dashboard viewer
- How to test:
_ Go to Dashboard list
_ Highlight a Dashboard and click View button
_ Put cursor in Dashboard viewer, click right mouse and choose Properties
_ Copy URL and paste to browser
- Results:
IE 6 | |
IE 7 | |
IE 8 | _ Some texts are shaded since there’s no scroll bar. _ Click on link but cannot open new Dashboard viewer |
FF 3.5 | _ Some texts are shaded since there’s no scroll bar. |
FF 3.6 | |
Chrome 4.1 | _ Cannot see Radial gauge charts and text area is too small. |
Opera 9.80 | _ Height of big tables are not good _ Edit the first filter and cannot hide it _ Cannot see Radial gauge charts. |
Safari 4.0 |
Module: Core
My portal
- How to test:
- Create user defined object which contains the diagram then use pull/push this object to user/group.
- Pull/push the system object to user/group then log-in by the user or the user belonging to the group.
- Update My Portal elements to the resource template, grant portal element's access to the those who use the resource template then log-in by their accounts
Create the portal element | OK |
Pull/Push the element to user | OK |
Pull/Push the element to group | OK |
Update My Portal elements to the resource template | OK |