We have a client who wants respondents to be able to upload images in a questionnaire
When the recipient open the answer sheet to answer, we will create the new folder whose name is recipient's name under the questionnaire then store the images that the he uploads in the image tab of this new created folder.
How to do it
- The user template of the recipients must have the navigation access to open the Image tab of the Folder and upload the images in this image tab.
Step 1: Preparation
- In the group list, create the group containing the recipients and grant the needed navigation accesses to this group
- In the folder list, create the folder containing all the recipient's folder.
- Check the folder template resource id that the folder will use.
Step 2: Create the new folder for the recipient
(You can see the script in the workflow whose resource id is 45408 in
array para = Workflow_getParameters();
number userId = para[0];
number ImageFolderResourceId = 45406;
number FolderTemplateResourceId = 2071;
array newFolder ;
number userResourceId = User_getResourceIdFromUserId(userId);
array userinfo = User_getUserByResourceId(userResourceId);
string ExistedFolderName = getNameFromResourceUniqueId(ImageFolderResourceId) + "\\"+ userinfo[USER_NAME];
array ExistedFolder = Folder_getFolderByName(ExistedFolderName);
if (ExistedFolder == empty)
newFolder = Folder_new(userinfo[USER_NAME],FolderTemplateResourceId ,ImageFolderResourceId);
newFolder = ExistedFolder ;
array permissions = {{userId , "FullControl"}};
updateUserPermission(newFolder[FOLDER_RESOURCE_ID], permissions);
string guid = getResourceGuid(newFolder[FOLDER_RESOURCE_ID]);
return getResourceIdFromGuid(guid);
Step 3: Set up the questionnaire
(You can see the questionnaire whose resource id is 1219174 in
Step 3.1 : Create the dummy question for storing the folder id
We will call the workflow in step 2 to get the new created folder id of recipient
Step 3.3 : Create the question for showing the upload form
Paste this code below into Javascript tab of that question
Question.bind('afterShowQuestion', function(question, answerSheet, element) {
var folderid = '{{D_Current_Folder_Id}}';
var dlg;
$.getScript("../../Script/ServerMethods/ServerMethods.js", function(){
$.getScript("../../Script/XmlParser/xmlp.js", function(){
ServerMethods.registerMethod(new Method(TYPE_ARRAY,'GetImageInfo',false,null,'~/Common/Resources/View/ImagesTab.ascx',new Parameter(TYPE_INT, 'imagepk')));
});//END getScript LV1
function openImagedialog() {
window.getActiveDialog = function(body) {
var strBody = $(body).prop('outerHTML');
var imageId = parseInt(strBody.substring(strBody.lastIndexOf("addList(")+8,strBody.lastIndexOf(",'Add')")));
Question.attr('answer', imageId);
$('#comUp').text('An Image has just been uploaded. Please click "Next" button to continue');
return {papa: {}};
var virtualAppHost = window.location.origin;
var url = virtualAppHost + "/Common/ResourceExplorer/EditImagePage.aspx?afn=Images/Resources&parenttype=6" +
"&parentid=" + folderid;
var $dialog = $('<div></div>')
.html('<iframe style="border: 0px; " src="' + url + '" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe>')
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
height: 190,
width: 463,
title: "Add new image"
Questionnaire Resource Id on site: 1219174