Normally, all options in Multi question are displayed as check boxes. This task is to change options which are non-multi selections to radio buttons instead of check boxes.
<source lang="javascript"> function checkboxClick(radioPos) {
$("input[type='radio']").each( function(j){ if(this.checked) { this.checked = false; quest.options[radioPos[j][Image:Radio options in multi question.png]].checked = false; } });
function radioClick(pos, radioPos) {
$("input[type='radio']").each(function(j){ if(pos!=j) { this.checked = false; quest.options[radioPos[j][Image:Radio options in multi question.png]].checked = false; } else { this.checked = true; quest.options[radioPos[pos][Image:Radio options in multi question.png]].checked = true; } }); $("input[type='checkbox']").each( function(j){ if(this.checked) { this.checked = false; quest.options[j].checked = false; } }); quest.options[radioPos[pos][Image:Radio options in multi question.png]].checked = true; $("input[type='checkbox']")[radioPos[pos][Image:Radio options in multi question.png]].checked = true;
function position(arr, element) {
var i=0; for(i=0;i<arr.length;i++) if(arr[i]==element) return i; return -1;
quest.onInit = function() {
var i; var j; var x= quest.options.length; var radioPos = new Array(); // change input to $("input[type='checkbox']").each( function(i) { if(quest.options[i].single==true) { radioPos.push(i); var radio = $("<input type='radio'>").attr("name","radioPos" + i); $(this).parent().append(radio); if(quest.options[i].checked) $(radio).attr("checked",true); $(this).hide(); } } );
$("input[type='checkbox']").each( function(i) { $(this).click(function(){ checkboxClick(radioPos); }); } ); $("input[type='radio']").each( function(i) { $(this).click(function(){ radioClick(i,radioPos); } ); } ); $(".option_link").each( function(i) { $(this).click(function(){ if(position(radioPos,i)>=0) { $("input[type='radio']").each( function(j){ if(position(radioPos,i)!=j) { this.checked = false; } else { this.checked = true; } }); } else { $("input[type='radio']").each( function(j) { this.checked = false; }); } }); } );
} </source>