We are using jQuery which is a JavaScript API also known as a AJAX framework. For the full documentation please visit jQuery's homepage
jQuery usages in CatGlobe
The following jQuery components are used in CatGlobe:
Current version: jQuery 1.3.2 and jQuery UI 1.7.2 for version 5.8++.
jQuery.js file contains the whole script of the main library. This file is registered in PageBase, which means it is available for all pages in CatGlobe. In addition, it is ready to be used when writing scripts for questionnaires as well.
This file is used to support full intellisence for jQuery in Visual Studio. In order to use the intellisense feature in a js file, a reference to the jquery-vsdoc file must be added to the script file like in the image below:
- TODO: research how to make a js template which automatically adds the reference directive to newly added javascript files.
- File: jquery_simulate.js
- This small library is used to simulate browser mouse and keyboard events.
jQuery UI
- File: jquery_ui_all.js
From the jQueryUI homepage:
jQuery UI provides abstractions for low-level interaction and animation, advanced effects and high-level, themeable widgets, built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library, that you can use to build highly interactive web applications.
- jQuery UI provides a set of sub components; many of them are optional, which means we can just download the components we need. However, in CatGlobe, we choose to download all of them to a file called jquery_ui_all.js to make sure everything is ready to use.
- At the moment, jQuery UI is only registered for some Questionnaire modules: QnaireViewerEx and QnaireControlEx.
jQuery UI internationalization
- File:jquery.ui.i18n.all.js
- This file adds text resources of many languages other than English to the DatePicker control.
- Right now, it is not used in any page.
- Files: Themes/Default/ui.all.css and folder Themes/Default/Images
- jQueryUI also provides various theme for us to use.
- The theme which CatGlobe is using is "UI Lightness".
- CSS file is put at Themes/Default/ui.all.css
- All image files a put in the folder Themes/Default/Images