Questionnaire CRD
_Alias: The text will be displayed in "My Questionnaires" of the user who has AS. This field is only enabled when check box "Display in 'My questionnaires'" is checked.
_Status: status of Project Questionnaire
+ Closed (default): when PQ id in this status, all uncompleted ASs won't be continued. User can continue answer questions if PQ's status changes to Active.
+ Active: Users can answer ASs
+ Paused: same as Closed
+ Open for test: just test ASs can be answered.
_CATI outcome set: choose one CATI outcome set to be able to call CATI. After saving PQ, the using CATI outcome set is only a copy of the chosen one, mean user can edit CATI outcome set in PQ CRD and it will NOT effect to REAL CATI outcome set in the CATI outcome set list, and vice versa. When a outcome set is already used (one AS has that outcome), user can not edit that outcome anymore.
_Impersonation : choose user context to run CGS in questionnaire.
Questionnaire Viewer/Previewer
Questionnaire template CRD
Questionnaire Editor
Questionnaire overview (Filter)
Sample Builder
CATI outcome set
Blacklisted phonenumbers
CATI form
Fieldwork management
Interview manager
Paper Questionnaire
Hall Test
Submit answer sheet
Sample Request (SRM)
Layout CRD
_Template name: list layout template which login user has at least observer access. After choose layout template to create layout and save, that template will NOT has any relation with this layout and user don't have any information to know which layout template make this layout (even in database).
Read more information in help file:
Layout template
Tools->Surveys->Layout templates
The module make a design for the layout:
+ Positions for holders (Image, HTML, Question, Navigation, Progress, Language selector), Table, Text, Link, Formatting,...HTML code,- which user can not edit in layout;
+ Style sheet - user can edit in layout