Change progress bar images of questionnaire layout
We have 12 images used for progress bar in questionnaire layout. To change them, we will override the function quest.progress.getHTML().
@Note: The way I used below is only used in Questionnaire layout template because in "Questionnaire layout template" we can insert javascript inside HTML tab.
Step 1: Upload 12 images in any folder, better if you store them in the Images tab of Questionnaire layout editor to handle easly in future.
Step 2: Get their links and replace in the javascript below (in step 3).
Step 3: Paste this code below (include open and close SCRIPT tag) into HTML tab of Questionnaire layout editor.
quest.onInit = function()
//Location of script
var ServerInfo = { "rootPath": window.location.protocol + "//" + };
var CKEditorScript = {
'ckeditor': ServerInfo.rootPath + '/script/ckeditor/ckeditor.js',
'jquery': ServerInfo.rootPath + '/script/ckeditor/adapters/jquery.js'
window.CKEDITOR_BASEPATH = ServerInfo.rootPath + '/script/ckeditor/';
//Load scripts for CKEditor and apply it CKEditor to TextArea
$.getScript(CKEditorScript.ckeditor, function()
$.getScript(CKEditorScript.jquery, function()
var config =
lang: __cguiculture,
customConfig: '',
contentsCss: '',
width: '800px',
autoUpdateElement: true
var ta = $("textarea[name=QUESTION.Open]");
var questioncheck = function()
//If there are checkboxs, if they are checked then no error
var b = false;
$('input:checkbox').each( function() {
if (this.checked)
b = true;
if (b) return true;
//If there is no checkbox checked and textarea is empty then show error
var tav = $("textarea[name=QUESTION.Open]").val();
if (tav == "")
return false;
// Inform about the reason for the exception
// And return false
return false;
return true;