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How to create a new questionnaire using panel members

From Catglobe Wiki
Revision as of 09:56, 6 April 2011 by Catglobe (talk | contribs)

Create questionnaire

Step 1

Go to Ad Hoc Questionnaire resource list

Step 2

Copy questionnaire: CGTemplate - CAWI template (resource id = 22631)

Change the destination questionnaire name and parent resource to fit the real project. 

Step 3

Open the newly created questionnaire resource

Use the correct layout:

  • CAWI: CGTemplate (questionnaire layout template): CAWI - Voxmeter DEFAULT Layout
  • CATI: CGTemplate (questionnaire layout template): CATI

Step 4

Modify the questionnaire to suit the real needs

There is a sample questionnaire created namely: CGTemplate - CAWI Template 2010 - EXAMPLE
The steps below are the simple steps that you need to follow, if you want to understand more clearly about the setup, please read further here.

Step 4.1 - Add screening questions

If there are screening demographic questions, these questions will be asked just after the Intro question:

  • There are preprogrammed 4 screening questions in which you can enter in the constant here.

  • Optional is to add quotas containing the conditions with target = 0 (no naming convention is needed)

Step 4.2 - Add main questions

  • Open the questionnaire template using questionnaire template editor
  • Locate question INSERT_QUESTIONS_HERE, replace it with the real set of questions.
  • If there are other screening questions (non-demographic), add GOTO if condition to go to D_SetOutsideTarget question, which will screen out the user and show question End_OutsideTarget_PP (for external sample users) or End_OutsideTarget_Voxmeter (for Voxmeter users)
  • If there is a question for checking quota, make sure it go to D_SetQuotaFull question, which will set answer sheet's status and show question End_QuotaFull_PP or End_QuotaFull_Voxmeter,
  • For questionnaire using external sample providers, if there are links to go back after finishing the questionnaire, remember to update the links (as answer option texts) in question End_Successful_PP, End_QuotaFull_PP and End_OutsideTarget_PP

Step 4.3 - Add extra demographic questions

  • If there are more demographic questions needed to be asked, please select them in constant "Extra demographic questions

Step 5

There are several constants whose values should be set by the questionnaire creator

  • Update back to the panel: indicates if the demographic data updated in the current questionnaire should be also copied back to the panel data questionnaire
  • Updatable questions: shows the list of demographic questions that need to be updated when their values are missing or the respondent chooses to update their information
  • Screeening questions: select desired questions to make screening (this must be used together with quota, which has been described in Step 4
  • Extra demographic questions: more demographic questions needed, those will be shown at the end of the questionnaire
  • Points - Successful: number of points given to Catinet users when they complete the questionnaire successfully, in the previous setup for Ad hoc questionnaire, its value was 40
  • Points - Quota full: number of points given to Catinet users when they meet the quota full status, in the previous setup for Ad hoc questionnaire, its value was 10
  • Points - Outside target: number of points given to Catinet users when they are outside target, in the previous setup for Ad hoc questionnaire, its value was 10


Copy group: CGTemplate (group template): Catinét DK multiple rules - 2010 (Resource Id = 35437463)

There are 2 sample rules: one for Male and the other one for Female

  • Copy these to make real rules
  • Their current targets are set to 0 on purpose, please change them with the real targets


There are 4 variables used in each rule

  1. The users must belong to Panel members - Available group (not all members are available at the same time)
  2. Age: add ranges as needed
  3. Gender: leave unchanged
  4. Region: select a region if needed or select all/remove the variable if no region filter is needed


In order to invite people to join the questionnaire, we use a bulk mail based on the sample group(s)

Create a mail template and use it to generate the bulkmail

Remember to use the correct bulkmail resource template: Invitation - Scripted event - Please do not use.

This bulkmail resource template has a script attached to update information of panel members in Panel Data questionnaire before sending the mails out.



In order to remind people to answer the questionnaire, we use a bulk mail based on the reminder group(s)

Create a mail template and use it to generate the bulkmail

Remember to use the correct bulkmail resource template: Reminder mail - Scripted event - Please do not use.

This bulkmail resource template has a script attached to update information of panel members in Panel Data questionnaire before sending the mails out.


In order to re-invite people to join the questionnaire, we use a bulk mail based on the sample group(s)

Create a mail template and use it to generate the bulkmail

Remember to use the correct bulkmail resource template: Re-invite mail - Scripted event - Please do not use.

This bulkmail resource template has a script attached to update information of panel members in Panel Data questionnaire before sending the mails out.