Question type: Single question
Question type: Single question |
Type |
Number |
General Description |
This is the most common question type where there is a text and some answer options of which you can choose only one. Each answer option is represented by a number; typically starting from 1 and increasing by 1 for each option thereafter. A typical single question would be ‘What is you gender?’ with answer options ‘Male’ (represented by a 1 on database) and ‘Female’ (represented by a 2 on database). An answer could e.g. be ‘1’ (meaning the user is a man). Single questions may also have open parts; that is an option which requires you to specify some additional text for the chosen option. An example of this could be ‘In which country were you born?’ with answer options ‘USA’ (=1), ‘Denmark’ (=2), ‘Other, please specify’ (=3). Let us imagine that the 3rd answer option is an partly open option, meaning that the user after having chosen it must write the exact country in which he was born. In order to import these half-open options the user will need to place half open answers in a separate column in the imported excel. |
Import Group |
Import Data (by selecting a questionnaire) |
Business Rules |
Validation |
Notes |
A number of situations can happen when you import open and closed question parts and these are not logically related for a specific user Situation 1: When importing only closed parts
Situation 2: When importing both open and closed parts
Situation 3: When importing only open part