Button: Edit question and questionnaire properties
Location: Properties drop down menu item
Description: Properties of a question regards how the question reacts in terms of a number of possible settings. This could be whether it will demand that user answers it, random positioning of answer options and sub questions, navigation buttons available, text on buttons available, error messages given on certain actions and much more. Some settings can be set as default for the whole questionnaire using questionnaire properties. All of the questionnaire properties can be overwritten by each individual question using the question properties feature. Depending on the type of question that you are editing, the properties choices available will also differ. Finally on the Properties dialog you will find one of the most advanced features of Catglobe, namely the scripting area, which allows you to create advanced interactions with many parts of the system and manipulate data and logics according to complex algorithms. To read more on using properties please click here. To learn more on using CGScript please click here.