Let's copy this code and replace the 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' by your questionnaire GUID. Then paste it into Questionnaire's Java script tab on Questionnaire Template Editor. What is Questionnaire GUID? Don't worry, I will show you how to get it below. Please see screenshot: this screenshot will show you where you paste this script code:
Preparing JavaScript Code for question's Java Script.
Question.bind('afterShowQuestion',function(question,answerSheet,element){vartime=10000;//(milisecond) this is the time period that QAS was created new, it need to be set by manualvarisTestMode={{getRPQTest()?2:1;}}==1;varparameter="";// we can put our parameter here. eg: &t=1vartimer=setTimeout(function(){callWF(isTestMode,parameter)},time);$('.next:eq(0)').click(function(){clearTimeout(timer);});});
When you finished with questionnaire java script code, let's continue with question java script code. There are 2 variables that you must focus: + time: this is the time period that then we will refresh questionnaire answer sheet.(milisecond) + parameter: it is your parameter which you want to add more on the link of questionainare. You also set to empty as default on above code. When you completely finish the step preparing code for question java script, you must paste that code into the question which you use this solution.