Get list of answer sheets for a user.
- QAS_getByUserResourceId(int userResourceId) - Get a list of qas by the specified user for all questionnaires. Ordered by Created date, latest first.
- QAS_getByUserResourceId(int userResourceId, int questionnaireResourceId) - Get a list of qas by the specified user and questionnaire. Ordered by Created date, latest first.
- QAS_getByUserResourceId(int userResourceId, int questionnaireResourceId, bool createIfNone) - Get a list of qas by the specified user and questionnaire. Ordered by Created date, latest first.
- QAS_getByUserResourceId(int userResourceId, int questionnaireResourceId, bool createIfNone, bool setTestIfCreate) - Get a list of qas by the specified user and questionnaire. Ordered by Created date, latest first.
- QAS_getByUserResourceId(int userResourceId, Array questionnaireResourceIds) - Get a list of qas by the specified user for all questionnaires. Ordered by Created date, latest first.
Note: userResourceId:
- 0 is use current user
- -1 to force no user
- -2 to anonymous user
Return value
an array of answer sheet objects {{QAS_1},{QAS_2},...} which have been assigned to the specific user. If no answer sheets exists then it will return an empty array.
ex1 :
array qas_list = QAS_getByUserResourceId(38588899);
array qas_list = QAS_getByUserResourceId(38588899,38606878);
Version 5.8.1