<accesscontrol>Main:MyGroup</accesscontrol> Lists LnF
- Whenever possible / applicable, lists should support multiple row highlight!
- When multiple records are highlighted in a list, only the buttons that support this are enabled!
- If no record is highlighted then disable icon buttons that require a record highlighted
- Disabled icon buttons are shown in grayscale color (disabled image).
- All lists should be Ajax-enabled. Only where speed will suffer markedly will we still approve refresh.
- Scroll bars should be inside lists not outside!
- Column widths of lists should be changeable (by drag and move) whenever possible in the GUI. If list uses fixed with for whole list it should not be changeable width.
- Whenever possible make it possible to update information directly in lists. Where the lists have no save button make the updates directly when releasing a record.
- In lists you should middle-align columns with checkboxes and dates, right-align numbers and left-align all other column types.
- Lists should have a pager, that can be expected, as default, to have 30, 60 or 100 rows per page ( if possible, should be 100 rows).
- Lists should use the style sheet for this. The style sheet sets colors for rows and alternate rows. It also sets a color for highlighted rows.
- If a row is removed or added the alternate color scheme should still be intact throughout the list.