Monitoring the tracking projects which Catinet are running consists of several tasks which must be performed during the tracking period:
- Daily management and tracking overview reports
- Fixing quotas / changing quota periods
- Quota standards for the Automated Tracking Script
- Setting up tracking management of new tracking questionnaires
- Group standards
- Setting up a tracking for external sample supply
- Managing a tracking with external sample supply
- Setting up tracking management of new tracking questionnaires
- Group standards (AGAIN?!)
- Selecting sample
Each task is described in details in the following sections.
Fixing quotas/changing quota periods
Setting up a tracking for external sample supply
All questionnaires and trackings created from the CGtemplates already have the relevant questions and scripts for redirect implemented. So when we need external sample supply, there are only three things that needs to be done:
1) A sample cost & feasibility check request must be sent to at least one Panel Partner. A supplier is then chosen, from cost, quality and feasibility etc.
Research Now and Toluna have been favourites in the last half of the year 2008, Research Now especially in the nordic countries. Which Panel Partner is best at what kind of request in quality and price, takes an amount of experience to know. There are too many factors to take into consideration to give the proper insight here.
Help: The document "International Panel Overview.xls" is useful for quickly finding out which panel partners have panels in certain countries, and of what sizes the respective panels are (These numbers are practically worth nothing, without proper experience and inside knowledge of the respective companies, most are directly far from true).
The document "Sample Request Form.xls" is used for remembering filling out all necessary information to the Panel Partners when requesting samle cost and feasibility.
2) Receive and insert exit links from the Panel Partner.
Exit links ensure that the Panel Partners panellists are returned to their own site upon completion (succession, screenout or quotafull) of the questionnaire, thus giving the Panel Partner the option of following the progress of completion of sample, or just registering the counts for all three end statuses. This depends on their own respective research platforms.
How to: The questions in the questionnaires made from the CGTemplate (questionnaire templates) needed to insert exit links into are named "SUCCEEDED_PP", "QUOTAFULL_PP" and "SCREENOUT_PP". Insert the exit links in the respective question scripts under the Questionnaire Editor --> Properties --> Edit question properties. Remember to insert the right exit links under the right end questions, and to insert the exit links in the script for the current Panel Partner! You insert the exit link (exit URL) by replacing the text INSERTXXXXXXXXXXRETURNURL inside the quotation marks with the given exit URL (still leaving the quotaion marks in the script.
3) Generate a Test link and a Live link with the correct link parameters, and send it to the Panel Partner.
*Remember that it is good custom to test the Test link yourself, appending a user id you either get from the Panel Partner, or that you know have a structure that their system will accept, and remember to inform them of the user id's you tested with. Easy examples could be "66666666" or "11111111". Assuming that the questionnaire itself has already previously been tested, you must focus on testing if the return links work, and do indeed redirect you to the Panel Partners end screens, for both Quotafull (if possible), screenout, and successfull (generally known as "completed").
Ensure that the Panel Partner does not use the Live link for testing, as live tests take time to locate in Catglobe, and convert to test interviews. Test links are exactly the same as live links, with the two exception that a test link can be used multiple times, and has a "test" link parameter, that automatically converts what is in fact really a live interview to a test interview at the end of the survey.
How to
• in the questionnaire list, locate and highlight the relevant questionnaire
• click "Actions" --> "Information"
• copy the entire "Anonymous survey hyperlink" (the light green url)
• paste it into the worksheet of the current project in the "Tracking Overview.xls" master document (so that this information remains in all following Tracking Overview Reports
• Now, to get the Test link edit the anonymous survey hyperlink like so (always assume case sensitivity):
o change the link parameter "&n=1" to "&n=2" (always without the quotation marks)
o insert the Bypasscookie parameter at the end, like this "&b=1" (this bypasses a cookie, and lets you use the link for testing multiple times).
o Insert the Test parameter "&Test=1" (converts the otherwise live interview to a test interview instead)
o insert the Panel_Provider parameter "&PP=?". To know exactly what to write instead of the question mark, open the questionnaire with the Questionnaire Editor, and go to the question "Panel_Provider". Here you see a list of panel partner names. Find the relevant panel partner and type in the name exactly as it is written. The parameter could for instance be "&PP=Toluna"
o insert the Panel_Provider_User_ID. This is a specific link parameter for each panel partner. To know exactly what to write, open the questionnaire with the Questionnaire Editor, and go to the question "Panel_Provider_User_ID". Find the relevant panel partner user id parameter and type it in exactly as it is written. The parameter could for instance be "&TolunaID="
• Now you have a Test link that could for instance look like this: "". The Panel Partner must insert an existing ID to be sure to be returned to their exit links when testing.
• Now, to get the Live link edit the Test link like so:
o remove the Test parameter (so the interview remains a live interview)
o remove the Bypasscookie parameter (so the link can be used only once)
• Now you have a corresponding Live link that would look something like this: "". The Panel Partner must be instructed to append their panellist user id at the end of the live link, right after the "=" mark (without quotation marks)
If just one parameter is wrong, it is likely to have bad consequenses. The interviews might seemingly succeed with valid data, but really be test interviews, or we might lose all id's from the Panel Partner. This would mean they are unable to incentivise, and that we have no proof of the amount of completes they have delivered.