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Coding guideline - CatGlobe

From Catglobe Wiki
Revision as of 02:39, 17 December 2008 by Catglobe (talk | contribs)


This guideline contains CatGlobe-specific coding rules.


Exception handling

  • Only catch exception if you can do some thing with it.
  • All re-thrown exception must include the original exception in its inner exception.
  • DO: always catch specific exception type. You are allowed to catch generic exception and re-throw a specific exception; for example in CGScript all exceptions are caught and a RuntimeException is re-thrown afterward.
  • DO NOT: empty and undocumented catches; using unspecific catches, unless they are documented well in the design document and are approved by the PMs.

Create a new custom of exception

  • Naming rule: the new exception must be suffixed with “Exception”.
  • All custom exceptions must inherit from another exception class.
  • The exception should be serializable in order to use in CatTask service. Refer to Serializable exceptions for more details. Notice: when the new CatTask service is done, this may be obsolete.
  • Namespace rule:

        - If the being created exception is used in multiple places, it must be placed in the CatGlobe.Framework.Exceptions namespace.

        - Otherwise, if it is used for a specific class only, it can be placed in the namespace where it is used.

Working with threads

  • Usages of threads must be specified in the Technical design and approved by PMs.
  • Use CatGlobe.Framework.Security.AsyncHelper class to start a thread with auto-impersonate, access factory and webconfig manager.

Web pages – web controls

Code behind (ASPX and ASCX)

  • Code behind must be documented with request parameters, usage, purpose.
  • Use Register…(JavascriptConstant…) to include javascript files in the code behind.
  • Web page must inherit from the PageBase class, control must inherit from the ControlBase class and Web Service must inherit from the WebServiceBase class.
  • DO NOT override the OnError event, unless it is approved in the technical design.

ASPX file

  • Replace the auto-generated DOCTYPE by this one: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
  • A page must have a title using text resource.
  • All the validation warnings which the Visual Studio shows must be fixed.
  • Adding references to user controls and using of tagPrefixes: must following this guideline Tag prefixes for user controls and web controls
  • You are allowed to reference to javascript files in the aspx files directly. However, you must use the JavascriptConstant to reference to them.
  • If a page or a control contains more than 3 methods or more than 20 lines, move it to a separate js file.

ASCX file

  • DO NOT reference to javascript files in the ascx files.

Text resources

  • When you need to register a text resource to the client side, use the PageBase.CGClientScript.RegisterTextResource method. The method will encode registered text resources for you.
  • Setting for text resource files of web pages:

        - Need to be set to the [filename].aspx.resx file only.

        - Custom tool namespace: x (yes, only the letter 'x').

        - Build action: None

        - Custom tool: ResXFileCodeGeneratorEx

  • Setting for text resource files of an enumeration file:

        - Custom tool namespace: aenum

        - Build action: Embedded Resource

        - Custom tool: ResXFileCodeGeneratorEx