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Omnibus: Weekly tasks

From Catglobe Wiki


A new Danish CATI omnibus is to be configured every Monday. Test links should be delivered to the client no later than 1400 DK time. The production start is usually 1600 or 1700 DK time.

Due to possible late changes in last weeks bus, the bus for next week should not be configured before the last bus is completed. (Usually Sunday evening.)

The ideal situation is keeping the monday configuration unchanged for the entire week. However, from time to time we get new projects with short notice, and sometimes these are added to the bus during the week.


Step 1 - Preparation

Get the list of projects/questionnaires to be included in the new week: Bus specification

  • In order to remove a project from the BUS, remove its id from the new bus' property Sub questionnaire ids
  • In order to add a project to the BUS, make sure it has the common format stated in Catglobe Omnibus System 2009, add its id to the new bus' property Sub questionnaire ids]

Prepare all sub questionnaires, get their primary keys by using Actions - Information in questionnaire resource list.

Step 2 - Create a new bus questionnaire

Create a new questionnaire using Omnibus questionnaire resource template

  • Name: 9031cat - BUS DK [YYYYWW]
  • General settings:
    • Layout: Layout resources\CGTemplate (questionnaire layout template): CATI
    • Path: CATINET\Internal Projects\9031cat - 2009 Omnibus Setup
    • Questionnaire template: 9031cat - 2009 Omnibus

  • Properties
    • Demographics questionnaire id: primary key of demographics questionnaire
    • Opinion poll questionnaire id: primary key of opinion poll questionnaire
    • Catinet Panel Recruiting: primary key of Catinet Panel questionnaire
    • Sub survey ids: primary keys of sub questionnaires: Ritzau, CEM Economy, CEM Lifestyle... (order is important)
    • Other Panel Recruitings: primary keys of other panel questionnaires: TV2, CityMail, ...

Step 3 - Import quotas

Quota template file can be found at 9031cat Omnibus folder
This quota file contains only the quotas for questionnaires that usually are included in the bus.

  • Remove quotas of sub questionnaires that are not supposed to be included in the new week
  • Add quotas of sub questionnaires that are to be included in the new week (make sure to use the same names as in D_Quotas question's sub question texts)

Step 4 - Test your work!

Preview the bus questionnaire and go through it to see if there are any errors.

Step 5 - Prepare samples