In current implementation, there is no specific implementation for a DiagramViewer while it should. There are couple of places where diagram can be viewed but with separate implementation, just to name some:
- Diagram viewer
- Report viewer
- Monitor
- Dashboard
- Tabulation result viewer
So, for the sake of consistency, I decided to make a DiagramViewer control that can be used all over the places.
Design Decisions
- Use the model from Microsoft AJAX.NET that has been applied for resource-ex controls. See the instruction for implementation here
- The design must reuse the nice features of asynchronous processing that have been applied by Chuong and Dennis
- AjaxPro is used as a mean for calling server's code from client-side
- Crash message must be controlled by the control itself (no dump screen), instead user has the ability to enable/disable viewing of full error message
Detail implementation
Code can be found under: /trunk/CatGlobeCustomControls/Report/DiagramViewer folder, there are couple of files under this folder
- DiagramViewer.cs: control's server code
- DiagramViewer.js: control's client code
- progress_bar.gif: the image that is displayed when the diagram is being generated
- progress_bar_EN.gif: locale dependent loading image (English)
- progress_bar_DA.gif: locale dependent loading image (Dannish)
Combine MS AJAX.NET and Ajax.Pro
MS AJAX.NET provide a great model for building client-server control which provide separation of client code and creating a link between client's object and server's object. However, to invoke server using AJAX it requires either a page method or a web-service method.
- Page method: method must be put onto page while we are developing a control and has no idea of what page will use the control
- Webservice method: require a separate web service implementation which spread the implementation of control to more than one place
Either way are suitable for our need which is putting the server method on the same place as control's server code. AjaxPro appears to be the perfect implementation in this way. However, normal implementation of AjaxPro introduce a naming conflict.
Following this link we will have such below code:
if (CatGlobe == undefined) CatGlobe = new();
if (CatGlobe.Web == undefined) CatGlobe.Web = new();
if (CatGlobe.Web.UI == undefined) CatGlobe.Web.UI = new();
if (CatGlobe.Web.UI.Report == undefined) CatGlobe.Web.UI.Report = new();
CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.DiagramViewer_proxy = function() { };
Object.extend(CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.DiagramViewer_proxy.prototype, Object.extend(new AjaxPro.AjaxClass(), {
BeginGenerate: function(diagramResourceId, diagramInfo) {
return this.invoke("BeginGenerate", { "diagramResourceId": diagramResourceId, "diagramInfo": diagramInfo }, this.BeginGenerate.getArguments().slice(2));
EndGenerate: function(guid) {
return this.invoke("EndGenerate", { "guid": guid }, this.EndGenerate.getArguments().slice(1));
url: '/ajaxpro/CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.DiagramViewer,CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.ashx'
CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.DiagramViewer = new CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.DiagramViewer_proxy()
- The first 4 lines define the namespace => not important
- The last line define the object for ready to use => not important
- The remain middle lines define the server methods' proxies => important
While following this link we have a template as below
CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.DiagramViewer = function(element) {
CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.DiagramViewer.initializeBase(this, [element]);
CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.DiagramViewer.prototype = {
initialize: function() {
CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.DiagramViewer.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize');
dispose: function() {
//Add custom dispose actions here
CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.DiagramViewer.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose');
CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.DiagramViewer.registerClass('CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.DiagramViewer', Sys.UI.Control);
if (typeof (Sys) !== 'undefined') Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded();
- The first line define the namespace
- The next code block define the class
- The next code block define content of the class
- The remaining are required to work with the control template
Merging the 2 codes
As the code shown, there are name conflicting when using the 2 frameworks together. So, the only way to merge the 2 frameworks together is to omit some code from one of them. And due to the fact that namespace definition of AjaxPro is not as important as of AJAX.NET. More than that, the code of AJAX.NET acts as the main frame for the control's client code and AjaxPro code is just a mean for talking to server. Then the code is merged as below (no server code is required for registering AjaxPro):
CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.DiagramViewer = function(element) {
CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.DiagramViewer.initializeBase(this, [element]);
/// Register proxy using Ajax.Pro
/// This code is taken from /ajaxpro/CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.DiagramViewer,CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.ashx
/// in case we call AjaxPro.Utility.RegisterTypeForAjax on server's code
CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.DiagramViewer_proxy = function() { };
Object.extend(CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.DiagramViewer_proxy.prototype, Object.extend(new AjaxPro.AjaxClass(), {
BeginGenerate: function(diagramResourceId, diagramInfo) {
return this.invoke("BeginGenerate", { "diagramResourceId": diagramResourceId, "diagramInfo": diagramInfo }, this.BeginGenerate.getArguments().slice(2));
EndGenerate: function(guid) {
return this.invoke("EndGenerate", { "guid": guid }, this.EndGenerate.getArguments().slice(1));
url: '/ajaxpro/CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.DiagramViewer,CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.ashx'
CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.DiagramViewer.prototype = {
initialize: function() {
CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.DiagramViewer.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize');
dispose: function() {
//Add custom dispose actions here
CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.DiagramViewer.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose');
/// Readonly property
get_proxy: function() {
if (this._proxy == undefined) {
// Setup the server object
this._proxy = new CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.DiagramViewer_proxy();
return this._proxy;
CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.DiagramViewer.registerClass('CatGlobe.Web.UI.WebControls.Report.DiagramViewer', Sys.UI.Control);
if (typeof (Sys) !== 'undefined') Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded();
And now, the 2 frameworks can work together. Note that there is an addition get method for retrieving the proxy, in order to call server method client code just need to get the proxy by call get_proxy method and then call the desired method. On server side, as normal, we just need to define 2 server method as below:
public static string BeginGenerate(string diagramResourceId, DiagramInfo diagramInfo);
public static string EndGenerate(string guid);
Generation steps
Link to DiagramInfoFactory
Document revisions
Version No. | Date | Changed By | Description | Svn revision |
0.1 | 30.07.2009 | Nguyen Trung Chinh | Create first version | 54885 |