Add answer options of the close questions to the open questions (open/number/text/textgrid question type)
To add answer options of the close questions to the open questions (open/number/text/textgrid question type), please follow below steps:
1. Copy the Javascript function addCloseAO() into the Javascript area of the open question. Using guide about the function addCloseAO() are comments of below javascript code snippet. You also need to know about the Catglobe Replacement tags to be able to use above function.
2. Add the answer options of the close questions to the open question by using above function addCloseAO() and put this part into the body of function quest.onInit(). This quest.onInit() code also must be put into the Javascript area of the open question.
3. The close question must be set to dummy. If not then the questionnaire will always stay at the open question when you click the next button, in other words the questionnaire can not move to the next question.
Below is an example about adding an answer option of a multi question into a text grid question. The final result of this text grid question will look like below:
To implement this, i created 2 questions:
- A text grid question which will contain all below Javascript codes. Name of this question is: Case1_Textgrid
- A multi question which contain the answer option will be added to above text grid question. Name of this question is:Case1_Multi
* @param object p The structure of this object
type: string type, there are 2 available values: 'radio' and 'checkbox',
qname: string type, the name of the single/multi question. Ex: 'ChooseQnaireByCountry',
aov: string type or number type. Ex: '1',
ansv: string type, must be the replacement tags. See this wiki link for more info:,
aotxt: string type, the text of the answer option. Ex: 'this is answer option 1',
isHidden: bool type, whether shown or hide
* @return jqueryObject jquery widget element
function closeQuestionAOWidget(p) {
var input = $('<input type="' + p.type + '"/>').attr({
'class': 'ao_input_element ' + p.qname + ' value_' + p.aov,
'name': 'QUESTION.' + p.qname,
'value': p.aov,
'checked': p.ansv == p.aov ? true : false
var span = $('<span>')
.addClass('ao_text ' + p.qname + ' value_' + p.aov)
.click(function(e) {
//input.attr('checked') ? input.attr('checked', false) : input.attr('checked', true);;
var hiddenInput = $('<input type="hidden"/>').attr({
'class': 'ao_hidden_input ' + p.qname + ' value_' + p.aov,
'name': 'QUESTION.' + p.qname,
'value': ''
var div = $('<div>')
'class': 'ao_container ' + p.qname + ' value_' + p.aov,
'name': 'QUESTION.' + p.qname,
'value': p.aov
.css('display', p.isHidden ? 'none' : 'block');
div.append(input, span, hiddenInput);
return div;
quest.onInit = function() {
// Generate the widget of the answer option of the specified close question element (but not yet added to DOM)
var $widget = closeQuestionAOWidget({
type: 'checkbox',
qname: 'Case1_Multi',
aov: '1',
ansv: '{{Case1_Multi[0].value}}',
aotxt: 'Don’t know / Do not wish to answer',
isHidden: false
// Then add above $widget into the specified location
$('.QuestionSpace p:first').append($widget);