Condition name: Include sub question if
Question types applied
Single-Grid, Multi-Grid, Text-Grid, Scale-Grid question
This condition can only be used with question types that have sub questions. If you have sub questions in a question that does not make sense to include based on some answers the user may have given earlier in the questionnaire, you can exclude these sub questions from a specific question by placing this type of conditions on it. The conditions are checked before the question is shown to a user. Notice that this condition type is basically identical to the "Exclude sub question if" condition, except that the conditions will have the opposite meaning in terms of including or excluding a sub question.
A typical example would be that one question asked the user which soft drinks he had tried. If the following question then asked how well he liked each of the stated soft drinks, we would obviously want to exclude all those that he had not tried before. You can see this example below.
The question below is the question prior to the question with the "Include sub question if" condition.
The question below is the question with the "Include sub question if" condition.
The logical condition on the above question called "LikeBrand" would be the condition shown below.
Finally below you will see how the two questions would work in the questionnaire viewer, given the users choices of brands in the first question "TryBrand".