Adds the custom column passed as argument to the method.
The custom column is added to current data cache and a new axis with axis options, created based on the new column, is also added to the end of the axis-set. When the custom column is added a partial build will be triggered which will add the column to the current data cache.
The function returns false if there is a column with the same name existing, returns true otherwise.
customColumn: Is an array. It is the custom column created by CustomColumn_new function.
Return type
array customColumn = CustomColumn_new(CUSTOM_COLUMN_TYPE_NUMBER, "AgeGroup");
customColumn[CUSTOM_COLUMN_TEXT] = "Age groups";
array customColumnOption_Kid = CustomColumnOption_new("Age < 15", 1, "Kid");
array customColumnOption_Teen = CustomColumnOption_new("Age == [15-18]", 2, "Teen");
array customColumnOption_Adult = CustomColumnOption_new("Age == [19-45]", 3, "Adult");
array customColumnOption_Senior = CustomColumnOption_new("Age > 45", 4, "Senior");
CustomColumn_addOption(customColumn, customColumnOption_Kid );
CustomColumn_addOption(customColumn, customColumnOption_Teen);
CustomColumn_addOption(customColumn, customColumnOption_Adult);
CustomColumn_addOption(customColumn, customColumnOption_Senior);
bool b = DCS_addCustomColumn(customColumn);
if (b) print("Custom column was added.");
else print("Custom column was not added.");
//Result: Custom column was added.
Version 5.5