Return top selected answers of a multi or multi grid question. This function run in question context
Question_getTopSelectedAnswers(questionLabel, position, length)
Question_getTopSelectedAnswers(questionPath, position, length)
questionLabel: a string expression. It is the label of multi or multi grid question
questionLabel: a string expression. It is the path of multi or multi grid question
position: is a number.
length: is a number.
Return type
//Q1 is a multi question with 5 options
//Example1: position 0, lenght 3
array a = Question_getTopSelectedAnswers("Q1",0,3);
array a = Question_getTopSelectedAnswers(Q1.QuestionLabel,0,3);
array a = Question_getTopSelectedAnswers(Resource_getResourceName(qnaireRId) + "\\Q1",0,3);
//If respondent select option in order: 4 then 3 then 2 then 1 then 5. Result return {4,3,2}
//If respondent select option in order: 4 then 1, it will return {4,1}
//Example2: position 2, lenght 3
array a = Question_getTopSelectedAnswers("Q1",2,3);
array a = Question_getTopSelectedAnswers(Q1.QuestionLabel,2,3);
array a = Question_getTopSelectedAnswers(Resource_getResourceName(qnaireRId) + "\\Q1",2,3);
//If respondent select option in order: 4 then 3 then 2 then 1 then 5. Result return {2,1,5}
//If respondent select option in order: 4 then 1, it will return {}
Version 5.7