1. Download Zoiper for MacOS at https://www.zoiper.com/en/voip-softphone/download/zoiper5/for/mac
2. Setup Zoiper default
3. Start Zoiper as Free User
4. Add new account.
- Enter username@voxmeter.catglobe.com. Please contact supervisor to have username.
- Enter cg at password text box.
- Press on "Login" button
5. keep default valule = voxmeter.catglobe.com
6. At Optional windows.
- Check Optional
- Enter cg
- Enter voipvoxmeter.catglobe.com:4569
7. Please click Skip -> Yes
8. Finish add account to Zoiper
9. Here is summary account details
10. Please verify that Zoiper is using trasport = UDP at this page https://wiki.catglobe.com/ZoiperVoIPUDP
11.Dial to test number 789 or 987 to make sure Zoiper setup correctly and Internet Provider doesn't block VoIP traffice.