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The string object

Parent class

Inherits from object


  • (string value "Value to give object") - New object with the given value


  • number CompareTo(string value "Value to compare to") - Compare to object. See ArrayConstant.OrderBy
  • number CompareToIgnoreCase(string value "Value to compare to") - Compare to object. See ArrayConstant.OrderBy
  • bool Contains(string value "Value to compare to") - Returns true if the value specified occurs in the string
  • bool EndsWith(string value "Value to compare to") - Returns true if the value specified occurs at the end of the string
  • bool EndsWith(string value "Value to compare to", bool ignoreCase "True to ignore case during comparison") - Returns true if the value specified occurs at the end of the string
  • object this[] { get; }(int index "The index used to lookup the char at that index.") - Get the char at the given index.
  • int IndexOf(string value "Value to compare to") - Returns the 0-based index of where the value is to be found in the string, or -1
  • int IndexOf(string value "Value to compare to", int startIndex "The search starting position") - Returns the 0-based index of where the value is to be found in the string, or -1
  • int LastIndexOf(string value "Value to compare to") - Returns the 0-based index of where the value is to be found in the string, or -1
  • int LastIndexOf(string value "Value to compare to", int startIndex "The search starting position") - Returns the 0-based index of where the value is to be found in the string, or -1
  • bool StartsWith(string value "Value to compare to") - Returns true if the value specified occurs at the start of the string
  • bool StartsWith(string value "Value to compare to", bool ignoreCase "True to ignore case during comparison") - Returns true if the value specified occurs at the start of the string
  • string ToLowerInvariant() - Returns the string converted to its lower case variant using invariant culture
  • string ToString() - The string representation of the object.
  • string ToUpperInvariant() - Returns the string converted to its upper case variant using invariant culture


  • int Length { get; } - Length of the string
  • string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
  • (From object) TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.