Returns an array of answers using an existing multi question, where the returned array will be a subset of the original question values filtered using a position and length parameter.
questionName: String - An existing multi question label or multi grid question label in the context questionnaire.
position: Number from 0 and up. Defines the first answer that will be included in the new array from the original data.
length: Number from 1 and up. Defines the number of answers to be included in the new array as starting from the position in the original data.
index: A sub question index to be used for multi grid questions. If omitted, we will get array returned from all sub questions of the multi grid question.
Return type
// given that the originalmulti question is Multi question
... [1,2,3,4,5] then returned array becomes [2]
... [5,4,3,2,1] then returned array becomes [4]
... [1,2,3] then returned array becomes [2]
... [5,4,3] then returned array becomes [4]
... [1,2] then returned array becomes [2]
... [2] then returned array becomes []
Version 5.6