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WorkflowScript class

From Catglobe Wiki
Revision as of 11:06, 17 February 2012 by Tungocman (talk | contribs)


Class to manipulate workflows.


  • (number resourceId "Resource id of the script to load") - Load existing workflow
  • (string script "The script to use.", bool isTabulation "Set if this is a tabulation script or not") - Make new workflow


  • AnyType Call(params AnyType) - Run the script with the given arguments
  • AnyType Invoke(array arguments "The arguments to the script") - Run the script with the given arguments
  • Empty Save(string name "Name of the resource. If empty it will not change the existing name. Required for new scripts.", number parentResourceId "Parent of the resource. If 0 it will not change the existing. Required for new scripts.") - Save the current workflowscript.
  • Empty Save() - Save the current workflowscript using the existing name and parent.
  • string ToString() - The string representation of the object.


  • bool BatchMode { get; set; } - Get/Set the if the non-tabulation script should run in batch mode.
  • string CgScript { get; } - The script.
  • number DataCache { get; set; } - Get/Set the DataCache under which to run the script under. 0 means clear setting. Only for tabulation scripts.
  • number ImpersonatedUser { get; set; } - Get/Set the user under which to run the script under. Must have Full access to the user to set as impersonation. 0 means clear impersonation.
  • string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
  • number Questionnaire { get; set; } - Get/Set the Questionnaire under which to run the script under. 0 means clear setting. Only for non-tabulation scripts.
  • TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.
  • number UniqueId { get; } - The resource id of the workflow.



/* Input Parameters for this workflow */
// Required - Set values here
number inputWorkflow_RID;
string nameOfTheCopy;
number parentResourceId;

/* Other variables */
bool isTabulation;
string CgScript;
bool BatchMode;
number ImpersonatedUser_RID;
number Questionnaire_RID;
number DataCache_RID;
object error;

/* Checking the required parameters */
if(inputWorkflow_RID == empty) {
	print("Please set value for parameter: inputWorkflow_RID. Workflow failed.");
if(nameOfTheCopy == empty) {
	print("Please set value for parameter: nameOfTheCopy. Workflow failed.");
if(parentResourceId == empty) {
	print("Please set value for parameter: parentResourceId. Workflow failed.");

/* Now doing the job: Making the copy */
object source = new WorkflowScript(inputWorkflow_RID);
object dest;

// Check that the source is Tabulation Script or non-Tabulation Script
try {
	if(source.DataCache != empty) // if throw error then the source is non-tabulation script
		isTabulation = true;
	// so the source is non-tabulation script
	isTabulation = false;

if(isTabulation == true) 
// The source is Tabulation Script
	// Get all properties of this Tabulation Script
	CgScript = source.CgScript;
	DataCache_RID = source.DataCache;
    dest = new WorkflowScript(CgScript, true);
	dest.DataCache = DataCache_RID;
	// Save the copied one
	dest.Save(nameOfTheCopy, parentResourceId);
	print("Completed! The resource if of new copyied one: " + dest.UniqueId);	
	return dest;
// The source is non-Tabulation Script
else {
	// Get all properties of this non-Tabulation Script
	CgScript = source.CgScript;
	Questionnaire_RID = source.Questionnaire;
	BatchMode = source.BatchMode;
    dest = new WorkflowScript(CgScript, false);
	dest.Questionnaire = Questionnaire_RID;
	dest.BatchMode = BatchMode;

	// Save the copied one
	dest.Save(nameOfTheCopy, parentResourceId);
	print("Completed! The resource if of new copyied one: " + dest.UniqueId);	
	return dest;