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CustomDataCacheSpecificationBuildResult class

From Catglobe Wiki
Revision as of 08:57, 26 October 2018 by Administrator (talk | contribs)


Represents a DataCache specification build result.


  • () - Create a new result set for a dcs


  • Empty AddVariableForFullCustomColumns(string variableName "Name of constant that is available in custom scripts in this DCS. Takes precedence over column names", object value "Value to store") - Set additional output values. These can be accessed as predefined variables in all full column custom columns
  • string ToString() - The string representation of the object.


  • array Ids { get; } - Set the ids of the result set (Must be unique integer). These can be accessed by using the variable SYS_SCRIPT_UNIQUEID_SYS. The length of this array must match the length of NonUniqueIds. If doing partial rebuilds, then any ids returned that match a previous builds id result in that row being updated
  • array NonUniqueIds { get; } - Set the non-unique ids of the result set (integer only). These can be accessed by using the variable SYS_SCRIPT_NONUNIQUEID_SYS
  • string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
  • TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.


This class is used on workflow of DCS using script

array param = Workflow_getParameters();
array a = param[0];
array fromDateTime = param[1];
array NonUniqueIds = param[2];
array UniqueIds = param[3];
array extraParameter = param[4];

Dictionary d1 =
 "NonUniqueIds": NonUniqueIds,
 "UniqueId": UniqueIds

Dictionary d2 =
	"NonUniqueIds": {5,6,7,8,9,10,12},
		"UniqueId": {0,1,2,3,4,11,13}
CustomDataCacheSpecificationBuildResult res = new CustomDataCacheSpecificationBuildResult();

Dictionary d = fromDateTime == empty ? d2 : d1;


return res;

See more how DCS using script here