Statistic for interviewers in a cati questionnaire.
Parent class
Inherits from object
- (From object) string ToString() - The string representation of the object.
- number AverageSuccessTime { get; } - Get AverageSuccesTime in second
- DateTime FirstCall { get; } - Get when first call was started inside the time period
- int InterviewerResourceId { get; } - Get Interviewers user resource id
- DateTime LastCall { get; } - Get when last call was finished inside the time period
- int ModifiedRealTime { get; } - Get RealTime that respects max duration of the outcome
- int NumberOfContacts { get; } - Get number of contacts called
- int NumberOfInterviewSucceeded { get; } - Get number of success by qas status
- int NumberOfSuccess { get; } - Get number of success by outcome status
- string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
- int RealTime { get; } - Get RealTime in second
- number SuccessRate { get; } - Get successrate in regards to ea records
- int TotalCallAttempts { get; } - Get TotalCallAttempts
- number TotalTime { get; } - Get TotalTime in second
- (From object) TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.
Static Methods
- Array of CatiStatistic CatiStatistic_getByInterviewers(Array of int interviewerUserResourceIds "Which interviewers to include. May be empty to detect all participating interviewers", int questionnaireResourceId "Resource id of the questionnaire to search statistics for", DateTime from "Analyze from when. May be empty", DateTime to "Analyze to when. May be empty") - Fetch all statistics by interviewers
- Array of CatiOutcomeStatistic CatiStatistic_getOutcomeStatistics(Array of int interviewerUserResourceIds "Which interviewers to include. May be empty to detect all participating interviewers", int questionnaireResourceId "Resource id of the questionnaire to search statistics for", DateTime from "Analyze from when. May be empty", DateTime to "Analyze to when. May be empty") - Fetch all statistics by interviewers
CatiStatistic is returned when calling CatiStatistic_getByInterviewers
Array interviewers = {15620372, 15003004};
number qnaireRid = 15629214;
DateTime startDate = new DateTime ("2018/2/7");
DateTime endDate = new DateTime ("2018/5/10");
Array result = CatiStatistic_getByInterviewers(interviewers, qnaireRid, startDate, endDate);
for(number i = 0; i<result.Count; i++ )
CatiStatistic catiStat = result[i];
print(catiStat.InterviewerResourceId);//15003004, 15620372
print(catiStat.TotalTime);//95280, 16740
print(catiStat.RealTime);//89294, 16372
print(catiStat.AverageSuccessTime);//1725, 2962
print(catiStat.TotalCallAttempts); //643, 116