Activities by users.
- Empty OrderByDate() - Order the data by date
- Empty OrderByDateDesc() - Order the data by date descending
- Empty OrderByUserThenByDate() - Order the data by user, then by date
- Empty OrderByUserThenByDateDesc() - Order the data by user, then by date descending
- Empty SetCurrent(int index "Index to look up") - Set the current activity to look at
- string ToString() - The string representation of the object.
- int AccessLevelToActivity { get; } - Level of access to activity. See RESOURCE_PERMISSION_*
- int Count { get; } - Number of history entries
- DateTime Date { get; } - Get main created or occured date activity
- string Description { get; } - Description of activity, may be empty if not enough permission to read this info
- int HistoryType { get; } - Type of activity
- string HistoryTypeAsString { get; } - Type of activity as string
- int HistoryTypeSpecificId { get; } - Some activities have secondary ids that may contain more information. May be 0 if not enough access
- int Id { get; } - Get main id for the activity, this could be the journal resource id
- string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
- int OtherUserId { get; } - Get id of the other user in the activity, if there is one
- int ParentResourceId { get; } - Main parent of the communucation, usually the questionnaire or user of the activity
- string ParentResourcePath { get; } - Main parent path of the communucation, usually the questionnaire or user of the activity
- int ToUserId { get; } - Get id of the user of the activity
- TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.
- int UserResourceId { get; } - Get resource id of the user of the activity
//get mail, bulkmail history
array userRid = {15210};
ActivityHistorySearch search = new ActivityHistorySearch(userRid);
search.SearchForMails = true;
search.SearchForBulkMails = true;
search.SearchForSMS = false;
search.SearchForBulkSMS = false;
search.SearchForCati = false;
search.SearchForDialedCati = false;
search.SearchForJournal = false;
search.SearchForQuestionnaireActivity = false;
DateTime dateFrom = new DateTime ("2016/1/30");
ActivityHistory result = search.Execute();
for(number i = 0; i< result.Count; i++)
print(result.ParentResourcePath );