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FileNamespace class

From Catglobe Wiki
Revision as of 08:36, 8 March 2013 by Buitheanh (talk | contribs)

File API

Class of Write and Read File


  • DateTime GetCreationTime(string filename "Name of the file", bool isTemp "Is the file temporary") - Returns the creation date and time of the specified file.
  • string GetDownloadPath(string filename "Name of the file", bool isTemp "Is the file temporary") - Generates URL to download the file from.
  • DateTime GetLastWriteTime(string filename "Name of the file", bool isTemp "Is the file temporary") - Returns the date and time the specified file was last written to.
  • array ReadAllLines(string filename "Name of the file", bool isTemp "Is the file temporary") - Opens a text file, reads all lines of the file, and then closes the file.
  • string ReadAllText(string filename "Name of the file", bool isTemp "Is the file temporary") - Opens a text file, reads all lines of the file, and then closes the file.
  • string ToString() - Opens a text file, reads all lines of the file, and then closes the file.
  • Empty WriteAllLines(string filename "Name of the file", bool isTemp "Is the file temporary", array content "The content of the file") - Opens a text file, Writes all lines of the file, and then closes the file.
  • Empty WriteAllText(string filename "Name of the file", bool isTemp "Is the file temporary", string content "The content of the file") - Opens a text file, Writes all lines of the file, and then closes the file.


  • string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
  • TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.


array a= {"Hello", "World"}; // array to write file
string b = "Hello World";    // string to write file
bool isTemp = false;         // false is temporary file

Catglobe.File.WriteAllLines("helloworld.txt", isTemp, a);         // write array a to file
print(Catglobe.File.ReadAllLines("helloworld.txt", isTemp));      // result : {Hello,World}
print(Catglobe.File.GetDownloadPath("helloworld.txt", isTemp));   // get download path
print(Catglobe.File.GetCreationTime("helloworld.txt", isTemp));   // get creation time
print(Catglobe.File.GetLastWriteTime("helloworld.txt", isTemp));  // get last write time
Catglobe.File.WriteAllText("helloworld.txt", isTemp, b);          // string b to file
Catglobe.File.ReadAllText("helloworld.txt", isTemp);              // result : Hello World