A resource journal entry
- (number Resource Id "Comment to what resource", string journalType "What kind of journal type is it", string content "What does the comment say") - Create a new comment object. Use Resource_addJournal or .Save() to save. Creating user is current user. Use addJournal() if dealing with tasks.
- Empty Save() - Save the current comment
- string ToString() - The string representation of the object.
- string CommentType { get; } - Get the comment type as string
- string Content { get; set; } - Get/set the comment content
- number CreatedByUserResourceId { get; } - Get CreatedByUserResourceId
- DateTime CreatedDate { get; } - Get CreatedDate
- number ModifiedByUserResourceId { get; } - Get ModifiedByUserResourceId
- DateTime ModifiedDate { get; } - Get ModifiedDate
- string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
- TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.
The CommentType of the object use below values:
- Description
- Proposal
- Comment
- Reassignment
- Outcome
- Disapproval
- Cancellation
- Rejection
- NotAcceptRejection
- Acceptance
- Approval
- Mergence
- UndoComplete