The statistics about recruitment via channels.
- (int originQuestionnaireResourceId "Resource id of the questionnaire the recruitment starts in", int recruitmentQuestionnaireResourceId "Resource id of the questionnaire the recruited must start and finish to be considered recruited", array from "From date", array to "To date", int groupBy "Return results in these groupings. 1=Week, 2=Month, 3=Quarter, 4=Year") - Create new statistics
- array CountAcceptedInitialRecruitment(string recruitmentQuestion "If origin questionnaire asks if respondent wants to participate, specify question label", Range recruitmentRange "If origin questionnaire asks if respondent wants to participate, specify question range for success") - Number of potential recruited that finished questionnaire and agreed to be recruited.
- array CountFinishedAtleast1QuestionnaireOfTypeAfter(array panelQuestionnaireResourceTemplateIds "Resource template ids of questionnaires the recruited gets after being successfully recruited") - Number of those attempted recruited started the recruitment questionnaire.
- array CountFinishedGotAskedAboutRecruitment() - Number of potential recruited finished questionnaire.
- array CountFinishedRecruitment() - Number of those attempted recruited started the recruitment questionnaire.
- array CountStartedGotAskedAboutRecruitment() - Number of potential recruited.
- array CountStartedRecruitment() - Number of those attempted recruited started the recruitment questionnaire.
- Dictionary DetailsAcceptedInitialRecruitment(string recruitmentQuestion "If origin questionnaire asks if respondent wants to participate, specify question label", Range recruitmentRange "If origin questionnaire asks if respondent wants to participate, specify question range for success") - Who was asked to be recruited that finished questionnaire and agreed to be recruited.
- Dictionary DetailsFinishedAtleast1QuestionnaireOfTypeAfter(array panelQuestionnaireResourceTemplateIds "Resource template ids of questionnaires the recruited gets after being successfully recruited") - Who was of those attempted recruited started the recruitment questionnaire.
- Dictionary DetailsFinishedGotAskedAboutRecruitment() - Who was asked to be recruited finished questionnaire.
- Dictionary DetailsFinishedRecruitment() - Who was of those attempted recruited started the recruitment questionnaire.
- Dictionary DetailsStartedGotAskedAboutRecruitment() - Who was asked to be recruited.
- Dictionary DetailsStartedRecruitment() - Who was of those attempted recruited started the recruitment questionnaire.
- array GetGroupings() - The grouping values. E.g. week 32 in 2014 is returned as {32,2014}. Grouping by year is returned as {2014,2014}
- string ToString() - The string representation of the object.
- string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
- TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.