Manage cati questionnaire.
- (int questionnaireResourceId "Resource id of the questionnaire", int interviewerResourceId "Resource id of the user that is interviewing. 0 to use current user") - Manage the given questionnaire and interviewer.
- bool AddRestrictSampleTo(SampleRule sr "Samplerule to restrict to.") - Restrict interviewer to only allow access to a specific sample. Return false if already restricted.
- Array of QAS AppointmentList(int pageSize "How many items to fetch", int page "Which page to fetch records for", bool forInterviewer "Show only those for specified interviewer. Also returns the value in the order they will be called", Unknown restrictToSampleIds "Restrict the search to the given list of samples. May be empty") - Get list of qas on the given list.
- int AppointmentListCount(bool forInterviewer "Show only those for specified interviewer. Also returns the value in the order they will be called", Unknown restrictToSampleIds "Restrict the search to the given list of samples. May be empty") - Get count of qas on the given list.
- bool EnsureEmployeeAssignmentRecord() - Ensure current interviewer has an active Employee Assignment record for today. Startdate will be set to now, if none exists. Return true when made new record.
- Array of QAS FinishedList(int pageSize "How many items to fetch", int page "Which page to fetch records for", bool forInterviewer "Show only those for specified interviewer. Also returns the value in the order they will be called", Unknown restrictToSampleIds "Restrict the search to the given list of samples. May be empty") - Get list of qas on the given list.
- int FinishedListCount(bool forInterviewer "Show only those for specified interviewer. Also returns the value in the order they will be called", Unknown restrictToSampleIds "Restrict the search to the given list of samples. May be empty") - Get count of qas on the given list.
- Array of number ListOfInterviewers() - Get list of interviewers user resource ids with active Employee Assignment records today.
- Array of QAS MainList(int pageSize "How many items to fetch", int page "Which page to fetch records for", bool forInterviewer "Show only those for specified interviewer. Also returns the value in the order they will be called", Unknown restrictToSampleIds "Restrict the search to the given list of samples. May be empty") - Get list of qas on the given list.
- int MainListCount(bool forInterviewer "Show only those for specified interviewer. Also returns the value in the order they will be called", Unknown restrictToSampleIds "Restrict the search to the given list of samples. May be empty") - Get count of qas on the given list.
- Array of QAS OngoingList(int pageSize "How many items to fetch", int page "Which page to fetch records for", bool forInterviewer "Show only those for specified interviewer. Also returns the value in the order they will be called", Unknown restrictToSampleIds "Restrict the search to the given list of samples. May be empty") - Get list of qas on the given list.
- int OngoingListCount(bool forInterviewer "Show only those for specified interviewer. Also returns the value in the order they will be called", Unknown restrictToSampleIds "Restrict the search to the given list of samples. May be empty") - Get count of qas on the given list.
- Empty RemoveRestrictSampleTo(SampleRule sr "Samplerule to remove restrict to.") - Remove restrict interviewer to only allow access to a specific sample.
- Array of SampleRule RestrictSampleToList() - List of samples interviewer is restricted to. None means access to all.
- Array of QAS RetryList(int pageSize "How many items to fetch", int page "Which page to fetch records for", bool forInterviewer "Show only those for specified interviewer. Also returns the value in the order they will be called", Unknown restrictToSampleIds "Restrict the search to the given list of samples. May be empty") - Get list of qas on the given list.
- int RetryListCount(bool forInterviewer "Show only those for specified interviewer. Also returns the value in the order they will be called", Unknown restrictToSampleIds "Restrict the search to the given list of samples. May be empty") - Get count of qas on the given list.
- string ToString() - The string representation of the object.
- string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
- TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.