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CompatibilityArray class

From Catglobe Wiki
Revision as of 10:22, 30 July 2018 by Nguyenduyan (talk | contribs)


Maps cgs array to internal list for compatibility.


  • Empty Add(object element "element to add") - Add a new element to the Array
  • Empty AddRange(array source "Array to get elements from.") - Add all elements of another array to this array.
  • bool Contains(object element "Element to check for") - Return true if the array contains the element using the normal equal operator.
  • array Except(array elements "Elements to remove") - Return all elements that does not exist in the other collection.
  • object First(Function selector "A function to test each element for a condition.") - Returns the first element in a sequence that satisfies a specified condition.
  • object FirstOrDefault(Function selector "A function to test each element for a condition.") - Returns the first element in a sequence that satisfies a specified condition or empty if not found.
  • int Frequency(number number "The number to search for") - Counts the number of times a given Number object exists in the Array. Can only use if all the elements are of type Number
  • object this[] { get; }(int index "Index") - Backward-compatible indexer
  • bool IsCharacterArray() - check if array is an array of characters
  • bool IsNumericArray() - check if array is an array of integer numbers
  • bool IsStringArray() - check if array is an array of string
  • array OrderBy(Function comparer "Function that compares two objects of the same type. Must return a signed integer that indicates the relative values of first param A and second param B. Value Less than 0 : A is less than B.Value 0 : A equals B.Value Greater than 0 : A is greater than B.It can also be a function that takes 1 parameter and returns a string or number.") - Sorts the elements of a sequence in ascending order by using a specified comparer.
  • Empty Randomize() - Randomize the order of the elements in the current array.
  • Empty RemoveItemAt(int index "The index to remove the object from") - Remove an element from the Array
  • array Select(Function selector "A transform function to apply to each element.") - Projects each element of a sequence into a new form.
  • array SelectMany(Function selector "A transform function to get each sub array.") - Projects each array element of a sequence into a new form.
  • Empty this[] { set; }(int index "Index", object value "Value to set") - Backward-compatible indexer
  • array Skip(int n "How many elements to skip") - Get all but the n first elements.
  • array Take(int n "How many elements to take") - Get the n first elements.
  • Dictionary ToDictionary(Function keySelector "A transform function to get the key of each element.") - Return a dictionary with the elements of the array.
  • Dictionary ToDictionary(Function keySelector "A transform function to get the key of each element.", Function valueSelector "A transform function to get the value of each element.") - Return a dictionary with the elements of the array.
  • string ToString() - The string representation of the object.
  • array Where(Function predicate "A function that takes 1 parameter of the types in the array and return true/false") - Filters a sequence of values based on a predicate.


  • number Average { get; } - Average of the objects in the Array object. Can only use if all the elements are of type Number
  • int Count { get; } - Number of elements in Array
  • number Max { get; } - Largest of all the objects in the Array object. Can only use if all the elements are of type Number
  • number Min { get; } - Smallest of all the objects in the Array object. Can only use if all the elements are of type Number
  • string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
  • number Sum { get; } - Sum of all the objects in the Array object. Can only use if all the elements are of type Number
  • TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.


DataCacheSpecification dcs = new DataCacheSpecification (15636575);
Axis axis = new Axis (dcs, "Gender", "Gender");
axis.MathBase = "Gender";
axis.PctBase = "Gender != empty";
array options = axis.Options;
options.Add(new AxisOption(dcs,"Male","Gender == 1"));
options.AddRange({new AxisOption(dcs,"Male","Gender == 1"), new AxisOption(dcs,"Female","Gender == 2")});
axis.Options = options;
array x;
Dictionary d;
array axis = AxisSet_getAxis("Gender");
print( axis[AXIS_OPTIONS]);//CompatibilityArray
x = axis[AXIS_OPTIONS].Skip(1);
print(axis[AXIS_OPTIONS].Contains(axis[AXIS_OPTIONS][0]));// True
x = axis[AXIS_OPTIONS].First(function(AxisOption a){
	a[AXIS_OPTION_NAME]== "Female";
d = axis[AXIS_OPTIONS].ToDictionary(function(AxisOption a){
print(d);//{"Female": AxisOption, "Male": AxisOption}
d = axis[AXIS_OPTIONS].ToDictionary(function(AxisOption a){a[AXIS_OPTION_NAME];}, function(AxisOption a){a[AXIS_OPTION_VALUE];});
print(d);//{"Female": Gender == [2], "Male": Gender == [1]}
x = axis[AXIS_OPTIONS].Select(function (array a){a[AXIS_OPTION_VALUE];});
print(x);//{Gender == [1],Gender == [2]}
x = axis[AXIS_OPTIONS].Where(function(AxisOption a){
	a[AXIS_OPTION_NAME]== "Female";
x = axis[AXIS_OPTIONS].Where(function (array a){a[AXIS_OPTION_NAME]== "Female";})
.Select(function (array a){a[AXIS_OPTION_VALUE];});
print(x);//{Gender == [2]}
axis[AXIS_OPTIONS] = axis[AXIS_OPTIONS].Except({axis[AXIS_OPTIONS][0]});