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ExportSettingsInspireFile class

From Catglobe Wiki
Revision as of 10:30, 4 February 2020 by Administrator (talk | contribs)


Export settings for the Inspire, Trace and Sas File format.


  • Empty AddAllQuestions(int questionnaireResourceId "The questionnaire the question is located in", bool exportToSas "Export to the given format", bool exportToTrace "Export to the given format", bool exportToInspire "Export to the given format") - Add all questions to the export. Default ignore GDPR classified questions.
  • Empty AddAllQuestions(int questionnaireResourceId "The questionnaire the question is located in", bool exportToSas "Export to the given format", bool exportToTrace "Export to the given format", bool exportToInspire "Export to the given format", bool includeQuestionWithGDPRDate "Include questions marked as containing GDPR classified data") - Add all questions to the export
  • Empty AddQuestion(int questionnaireResourceId "The questionnaire the question is located in", string questionLabel "Label of the question", bool exportToSas "Export to the given format", bool exportToTrace "Export to the given format", bool exportToInspire "Export to the given format") - Add question to the export
  • Empty Clear() - Remove format from output
  • int GridIndex(int questionnaireResourceId "The questionnaire the question is located in", string questionLabel "Label of the question") - Return GridIndex of question in export
  • bool IsQuestionExported(int questionnaireResourceId "The questionnaire the question is located in", string questionLabel "Label of the question") - Return true if question is exported
  • string ToString() - The string representation of the object.


  • bool ExportAddressInformation { get; set; } - Get/set if exporting to specific format with given option
  • bool ExportPhoneNumbers { get; set; } - Get/set if exporting to specific format with given option
  • bool ExportUserAccountInformation { get; set; } - Get/set if exporting to specific format with given option
  • bool ExportUserEmail { get; set; } - Get/set if exporting to specific format with given option
  • bool IsInspireFileFileExport { get; } - Get if exporting to specific format
  • bool IsSasFileFileExport { get; } - Get if exporting to specific format
  • bool IsTraceFileFileExport { get; } - Get if exporting to specific format
  • string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
  • bool SasFileOptionsIncludeSasLabel { get; set; } - Get/set if exporting to specific format with given option
  • int TraceFileOptionsDuration { get; set; } - Get/set if exporting to specific format with given option
  • TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.


string ResourceName="test ExportManager type Sas, Trace, Inspire";
number parentResourceId = 11088827;
ExportManager EM = new ExportManager (ResourceName, parentResourceId ); 
number questionnaireResourceId = 15546533;
ExportSettingsInspireFile exportSetting = EM.ExportSettingsInspireSasTraceFile;
bool exportToSas = true;
bool exportToTrace = true;
bool exportToInspire = true;
exportSetting.AddAllQuestions(questionnaireResourceId, exportToSas , exportToTrace , exportToInspire );
exportSetting.SasFileOptionsIncludeSasLabel = true;
exportSetting.TraceFileOptionsDuration = 1;
EM.Language ="en-GB"; 
DateTime startTime = new DateTime ("2017-4-18");
DateTime endTime = new DateTime ("2017-4-19");
EM.SelectTimeFrame =true;
EM.CGStartTimeFrameUTC = startTime;
EM.CGEndTimeFrameUTC = endTime; 
EM.QasNotStarted = false;
EM.QasPartly = false;
EM.QasCompleted = true; 
EM.QasNormal = true;
EM.QasQuotaFull = false;
EM.QasOutsideTarget = false;
EM.QasInterviewFailed = false;
EM.QasInterviewSucceded = true; 
EM.IncludedTestData= false;
EM.IncludedDeletedUsers = false;
EM.IncludedDisabledUsers = false;