A user
Parent class
Inherits from Array
- (From array) bool Any(Function predicate "A function that takes 1 parameter of the types in the array, and return true/false") - Return true if the array contains the element using the given function.
- Empty ChangePassword(string newPassword "The new password") - Change the users password
- (From array) bool Contains(object element "Element to check for") - Return true if the array contains the element using the normal equal operator.
- Empty DeleteUser() - Delete the user
- (From array) array Except(array elements "Elements to remove") - Return all elements that does not exist in the other collection.
- (From array) object First(Function selector "A function to test each element for a condition.") - Returns the first element in a sequence that satisfies a specified condition.
- (From array) object FirstOrDefault(Function selector "A function to test each element for a condition.") - Returns the first element in a sequence that satisfies a specified condition or empty if not found.
- (From array) int Frequency(number number "The number to search for") - Counts the number of times a given Number object exists in the Array. Can only use if all the elements are of type Number
- object this[] { get; }(int index "Index") - Backward-compatible indexer
- (From array) int IndexOf(object element "Element to search for") - Return index of the given element, or -1.
- (From array) bool IsCharacterArray() - check if array is an array of characters
- (From array) bool IsNumericArray() - check if array is an array of integer numbers
- (From array) bool IsStringArray() - check if array is an array of string
- (From array) array OrderBy(Function comparer "Function that compares two objects of the same type. Must return a signed integer that indicates the relative values of first param A and second param B. Value Less than 0 : A is less than B.Value 0 : A equals B.Value Greater than 0 : A is greater than B.It can also be a function that takes 1 parameter and returns a string or number.") - Sorts the elements of a sequence in ascending order by using a specified comparer.
- (From array) Empty Randomize() - Randomize the order of the elements in the current array.
- (From array) array Reverse() - Returns an array with all the elements in the opposite order.
- Empty Save() - Save the user
- (From array) array Select(Function selector "A transform function to apply to each element.") - Projects each element of a sequence into a new form.
- (From array) array SelectMany(Function selector "A transform function to get each sub array.") - Projects each array element of a sequence into a new form.
- Empty this[] { set; }(int index "Index", object value "Value to set") - Backward-compatible indexer
- (From array) array Skip(int n "How many elements to skip") - Get all but the n first elements.
- (From array) array Take(int n "How many elements to take") - Get the n first elements.
- (From array) Dictionary ToDictionary(Function keySelector "A transform function to get the key of each element.") - Return a dictionary with the elements of the array.
- (From array) Dictionary ToDictionary(Function keySelector "A transform function to get the key of each element.", Function valueSelector "A transform function to get the value of each element.") - Return a dictionary with the elements of the array.
- (From Array) string ToString() - The string representation of the object.
- (From array) array Where(Function predicate "A function that takes 1 parameter of the types in the array, and an optional 2nd parameter that is the index and return true/false") - Filters a sequence of values based on a predicate.
- DateTime AccessExpiration { get; set; } - After this date the user can no longer login
- (From array) number Average { get; } - Average of the objects in the Array object. Can only use if all the elements are of type Number
- bool CalculatedManHours { get; set; } - True if it Man Hours is calculated. Set to true to recalculate.
- string City { get; set; } - City of the address
- string CountryIsoCode { get; set; } - Iso code of the country of the address
- int CreatedByUserId { get; } - Id of the user that created this user
- DateTime CreatedDate { get; } - Date of creation
- string CultureIsoCode { get; set; } - Iso code of the culture of the user
- string CurrencyIsoName { get; set; } - Iso 4217 name of the currency of the user
- bool Deleted { get; } - True if deleted
- DateTime DeletedDate { get; } - Date of deletion
- bool Disabled { get; set; } - True if user is disabled
- DateTime DisabledDate { get; set; } - Date user was disabled
- string DiscountName { get; set; } - Current applied discount in webshop
- string Email { get; set; } - Email of the user
- string FirstName { get; set; } - Firstname of the user
- string LanguageIsoCode { get; set; } - Iso code of the language of the user
- DateTime LastDateUpdatePassWord { get; set; } - Date the user last changed their password
- string LastName { get; set; } - LastName of the user
- (From array) number Max { get; } - Largest of all the objects in the Array object. Can only use if all the elements are of type Number
- string MiddleName { get; set; } - MiddleName of the user
- (From array) number Min { get; } - Smallest of all the objects in the Array object. Can only use if all the elements are of type Number
- int ModifiedByUserId { get; } - Id of the user that modified this user
- DateTime ModifiedDate { get; } - Date of last modification
- string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
- int ParentResourceId { get; set; } - Resource id of the parent
- array PhoneNumbers { get; set; } - Get/set phonenumbers
- int PointBalance { get; } - Currenct number of points available
- string Postbox { get; set; } - Postbox of the address
- int PrimaryKey { get; } - Id of the user
- DateTime ProtectedUntilDate { get; set; } - Prior to this date the user can not be sampled
- string Region { get; set; } - Region of the address
- string ResourceGuid { get; } - Guid of the user
- int ResourceId { get; } - Resource id of the user
- int ResourceManHours { get; set; } - Man Hours of the user
- string ResourceManHoursAsString { get; } - Formatted Man Hours as Hours:Min
- int ResourceTemplateId { get; } - Id of the template
- int ResourceTemplateResourceId { get; set; } - Resource Id of the template
- string StreetAddress { get; set; } - Street of the address
- (From array) number Sum { get; } - Sum of all the objects in the Array object. Can only use if all the elements are of type Number
- bool TimeRegEnabled { get; set; } - True if it is possible to register time for this resource
- int TimezoneId { get; set; } - Id of the timezone of the user
- (From object) TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.
- string Username { get; set; } - Login username of the user
- string Website { get; set; } - Website of the address
- string ZipCode { get; set; } - ZipCode of the address
Static Methods
- string User_formatName(User user "User to save") - Generate full name ofuser
- User User_new(int userResourceTemplateId "Resource Id of the template") - Create a new user instance
- User User_new(int userResourceTemplateId "Resource Id of the template", string mask "Mask to use to generate username") - Create a new user instance
- User User_new(string username "Username of new user", string password "Password of new user", int userResourceTemplateId "Resource Id of the template") - Create a new user instance
- Empty User_save(User user "User to save") - Save the user
number userResourceTemplateRId = 1842;
User user = User_new (userResourceTemplateRId);
user.ParentResourceId = 5224516;
user.LanguageIsoCode = "da-DK";
user.CultureIsoCode = "da-DK";
print(user);//User class