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TabulationParagraph class

From Catglobe Wiki
Revision as of 07:28, 2 July 2020 by Administrator (talk | contribs)
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A paragraph possible to add to reports. Contains portions and paragraph specific styling

Parent class

Inherits from object



  • Empty AddLink(string text "Text to be added to the paragraph", string link "Link on the text", TabulationTextStyle textStyle "The style to applied to the portion") - Add a new portion with link to the Paragraph
  • Empty AddPortion(string text "Text to be added to the paragraph", TabulationTextStyle textStyle "The style to applied to the portion") - Add a new portion to the Paragraph
  • (From object) string ToString() - The string representation of the object.


  • string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
  • (From object) TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.


//Styling of paragraph 
TabulationParagraphStyle paragraphStyle = new TabulationParagraphStyle();
paragraphStyle.Alignment = "center"; //left, right, center.
paragraphStyle.MarginTopPoints = 10; //1-399
paragraphStyle.MarginLeftPoints = 10;//1-399

//Styling of portions
TabulationTextStyle textStyle = new TabulationTextStyle();
textStyle.Color = Color_getByName("red"); //Takes a color array-
textStyle.Color = Color_getByRGB(0,0,0); // can also be set from rgb.
textStyle.FontFace = "Bariol Regular";
textStyle.FontSize = 40; //1-399
textStyle.Bold = false;
textStyle.Italic = false;
textStyle.Underline = false;

//Use Tabulation_getAvailableFonts(); to find available fonts

//Create the paragraph
TabulationParagraph paragraph = new TabulationParagraph(paragraphStyle); //It needs the paragraphStyle defined above.
//The paragraph contains portions of text
 //Each portion can be styled individually with a TabulationTextStyle
paragraph.AddPortion("Some text", textStyle);

//A paragraph can also be instatiated with portion and portion style in constructor
TabulationParagraph paragraph2 = new TabulationParagraph(paragraphStyle, "Some text ", textStyle);

//It is also possible to add hyperlinks
paragraph2.AddLink("CatGlobe", "", textStyle);

//Add the paragraphs to the report

//Add a new simple paragraph to the report in one line:
Tabulation_addParagraph(new TabulationParagraph(tps,"SubHeading",textStyle));