Manage cati questionnaire.
Parent class
Inherits from object
- (int questionnaireResourceId "Resource id of the questionnaire", int interviewerResourceId "Resource id of the user that is interviewing. 0 to use current user") - Manage the given questionnaire and interviewer.
- bool AddRestrictSampleTo(SampleRule sr "Samplerule to restrict to.") - Restrict interviewer to only allow access to a specific sample. Return false if already restricted.
- bool EnsureEmployeeAssignmentRecord() - Ensure current interviewer has an active Employee Assignment record for today. Startdate will be set to now, if none exists. Return true when made new record.
- Array of int ListOfInterviewers() - Get list of interviewers user resource ids with active Employee Assignment records today.
- Empty RemoveRestrictSampleTo(SampleRule sr "Samplerule to remove restrict to.") - Remove restrict interviewer to only allow access to a specific sample.
- Array of SampleRule RestrictSampleToList() - List of samples interviewer is restricted to. None means access to all.
- CatiQasSearchQuery SearchQuery(CatiListType constant catiList "Which list to return", Array of int restrictToSampleIds "Restrict the search to the given list of samples. May be empty") - Get list of qas on the given list.
- (From object) string ToString() - The string representation of the object.
- string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
- (From object) TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.
Static Methods
- Dictionary FieldWorkManagement_listOfCurrentInterviewersAllProjects() - Get list of interviewers user resource ids with active Employee Assignment records currently active (+-2hours) grouped by questionnaire resource id.