The questionnaire template.
Parent class
Inherits from object
- (int id "Id of questionnaire template") - Fetch exists questionnaire template
- (string qualifiedName "Qualified name of questionnaire") - Fetch exists questionnaire template by name
- (string name "Questionnaire's name", int parentId "Resource parent's id", int resourceTemplateId "Resource tempalte's id of questionnaire template. Set it's 0 to use default resource template") - Create new questionnaire template
- object GetProperty(PropertyType constant type "Use constant Question_Property_xxxx") - Get value of property type, return empty if not found
- QuestionTemplate GetQuestion(string label "Question label") - Return a question by label or empty if not found
- Empty Save(bool increaseStructureVersion "Increase structure version will force reset all QAS sequence") - Save questionnaire template
- Empty SetProperty(PropertyType constant type "Use constant Question_Property_xxxx", object value "String or LocalizedString depend on property type. If value is empty then the property will be removed") - Set value for property type
- (From object) string ToString() - The string representation of the object.
- string DefaultLanguage { get; set; } - Gets and sets the default language of this questionnaire. Its value is language iso code
- QuestionGroupRoot Groups { get; } - Information about question groups in questionnaire
- bool HasData { get; } - check if this questionnaire temaplte contains data or not
- int Id { get; } - Reosurce id of questionnaire template
- array Languages { get; } - Active languages associated with this questionnaire. Its value is language iso code
- string Name { get; set; } - Questionnaire template name
- string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
- int ParentId { get; set; } - Parent resource's id
- array Properties { get; } - Get configuration properties of this questionnaire template
- string QualifiedName { get; } - Get qualified name of questionnaire name
- array Questions { get; } - Get configuration questions of this questionnaire template
- int ResourceTemplateId { get; set; } - Resource tempalte's id of questionnaire template. Set it's 0 to use default resource template
- int StructureVersion { get; } - Structure version of the questionnaire template. It is increased when updating
- (From object) TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.
- int Version { get; } - Version of the questionnaire template. It is increased when updating
Static Methods
- QuestionnaireTemplate QuestionnaireTemplate_current() - Get questionnaire template in current QAS or PQ context
- Dictionary QuestionnaireTemplate_getActiveLanguages() - Return a Dictionary of all languages supported in system. The dictionary item has key is iso code and value is object {isocode: string, name: string, viewerSupported: bool}