Represents a diagram configuration.
Parent class
Inherits from object
- () - Create new DiagramParameter instance
- (TabulationDiagramParameter diagramParameter "diagramParameter") - Create new DiagramParameter instance
- Empty AddPercentile(int percent "The percentage used in the calculation") - Adds a percentile calculation row to a diagram of chart type Diagram_ChartType_Table
- Empty AddQuantile(int q "an integer between 2 and the maximum value allowed for a 32 bit signed integer.", int k "an integer greater than 0 and smaller than q specified above.") - Adds a quantile calculation row to a diagram of chart type Diagram_ChartType_Table.
- TabulationDiagramStyle GetDiagramStyle(int styleType "enumeration for style type. Below is the full list of style type enumeration: TableDiagram_xxx constant") - Gets a session chart style object for a specif style type set in session.
- Empty RemoveAllPercentiles() - Removes all added percentile calculation rows from a diagram of chart type Diagram_ChartType_Table.
- Empty RemoveAllQuantiles() - Removes all added quantile calculation rows from a diagram of chart type Diagram_ChartType_Table.
- Empty RemovePercentile(int percent "The percentage used in the calculation") - Removes a percentile calculation row earlier added to a diagram of chart type Diagram_ChartType_Table.
- Empty RemoveQuantile(int q "an integer between 2 and the maximum value allowed for a 32 bit signed integer.", int k "an integer greater than 0 and smaller than q specified above.") - Removes a quantile calculation row earlier added to a diagram of chart type Diagram_ChartType_Table.
- Empty SetDiagramStyle(int styleType "enumeration for the part of a chart you want to set. Below is the full list of chart style type enumerations: TableDiagram_xxx constant", TabulationDiagramStyle diagramStyle "DiagramStyle object want to apply.") - Sets the style for part of a chart
- Empty SetTableDiagramStyle(int styleType "enumeration for the part of a chart you want to set. Below is the full list of chart style type enumerations: TableDiagram_xxx constant", int tableDiagramStyle " It's the value of the Table Diagram style constants. TABLE_DIAGRAM_STYLE_xxx.", TabulationFillStyle styleBase "TabulationFillStyleCGO. Use for TABLE_DIAGRAM_STYLE_FILL") - Sets the style for a chart
- Empty SetTableDiagramStyle(int styleType "enumeration for the part of a chart you want to set. Below is the full list of chart style type enumerations: TableDiagram_xxx constant", int tableDiagramStyle " It's the value of the Table Diagram style constants. TABLE_DIAGRAM_STYLE_xxx.", TabulationTextStyle styleBase "TabulationTextStyleCGO. Use for TABLE_DIAGRAM_STYLE_FONT") - Sets the style for a chart
- Empty SetTableDiagramStyle(int styleType "enumeration for the part of a chart you want to set. Below is the full list of chart style type enumerations: TableDiagram_xxx constant", int tableDiagramStyle " It's the value of the Table Diagram style constants. TABLE_DIAGRAM_STYLE_xxx.", string styleBase "String. Use for TABLE_DIAGRAM_STYLE_VALIGN, TABLE_DIAGRAM_STYLE_HALIGN, TABLE_DIAGRAM_STYLE_NUMBER_FORMATTER, TABLE_DIAGRAM_STYLE_PERCENT_FORMATTER, TABLE_DIAGRAM_STYLE_SIGNIFICANCE_FORMATTER") - Sets the style for a chart
- Empty SetTableDiagramStyle(int styleType "enumeration for the part of a chart you want to set. Below is the full list of chart style type enumerations: TableDiagram_xxx constant", int tableDiagramStyle " It's the value of the Table Diagram style constants. TABLE_DIAGRAM_STYLE_xxx.", number styleBase "Number. Use for TABLE_DIAGRAM_STYLE_DECIMAL") - Sets the style for a chart
- Empty SetTableDiagramStyle(int styleType "enumeration for the part of a chart you want to set. Below is the full list of chart style type enumerations: TableDiagram_xxx constant", int tableDiagramStyle " It's the value of the Table Diagram style constants. TABLE_DIAGRAM_STYLE_xxx.", TabulationBorder styleBase "TabulationBorder. Use for TABLE_DIAGRAM_STYLE_BORDER_STYLE") - Sets the style for a chart
- (From object) string ToString() - The string representation of the object.
- string AbsText { get; set; } - Get/set text to Abs (Default text in English is "(abs)")
- bool Average { get; set; } - Gets double values for row values of the column and calculates the average value of those values.
- string AverageText { get; set; } - Get/set text to Average (Default text in English is "Average")
- int ChartType { get; set; } - Get/set the chart types are also determines what configuration settings it makes sense to set, some even give exceptions based on the current chart type, using Diagram_ChartType_xxx constant.
- bool CountAnswerIncluded { get; set; } - Enables or disables the count total answers row in table diagrams. This row is a statistical row shown at the bottom of the table. The value of the row tells us how many answers were given to the question. This may be the same as the total number of respondents, but given that the question type is multi, it may also be that it was more than this, since each respondent then can give more than one answer to one question.
- int CustomCalculationScriptResourceId { get; set; } - CustomCalculationScriptResourceId
- int DataCacheId { get; set; } - DataCache Id
- int Direction { get; set; } - Get/set the direction determines how the totals are calculated either vertical or horizontal, using Diagram_DirectionType_xxx constant.
- string FilterHeaderText { get; set; } - Get/set text to Filter header.
- string FilterInfoText { get; set; } - Get/set text to Filter infomartion.
- array Filters { get; set; } - Filters
- bool IncludeTotal { get; set; } - Enables or disables the total row which can be shown for table diagrams.
- bool Median { get; set; } - Calculate the value of the middle observation. In case of an even number of observations the median is the average of the two values on each side of the middle point. Note that the median is NOT calculated based on the categories, but using all data in the dcs.All empty values are ignored.
- string MedianText { get; set; } - Get/set median text(Default text is Median).
- string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
- string PctText { get; set; } - Get/set value to DiagramParameter's PctText (Default text in English is "(pct)")
- string PercentileText { get; set; } - Get/set Percentile text
- string QuantileText { get; set; } - Get/set Quantile text
- string RealTotalRespondentText { get; set; } - RealTotalRespondentText
- bool RemoveEmptyColumns { get; set; } - Remove empty column in table diagram.
- bool RemoveEmptyRows { get; set; } - Remove empty rows in table diagram
- int ShowMode { get; set; } - The constants determine how the results are presented; as absolute numbers or as percentages or as both. Using Diagram_ShowModeType_xxx constant
- bool ShowRealTotalRespondent { get; set; } - ShowRealTotalRespondent
- bool ShowTotalAsSum { get; set; } - Returns the total percentage values (should be sum of pct values OR always is 100%), which can be shown for table diagrams. The values tells us percentage of answers were given to the question. This may be the same as the total percentage values, but given that the question type is MULTI, it may also be that it was more than this, since each respondent then can give more than one answer to one question.
- bool ShowTotalRowAsAbsolute { get; set; } - Enable/Disable showing the total Row in absolute numbers, even though it is a pct column
- bool Significance { get; set; } - Enables or disables the significance row which can be shown for table diagrams.
- string SignificanceDifferenceText { get; set; } - Get/set Significance difference text. Default text is "[+] and [-] = Significant difference of 95% or more".
- number SignificanceLevel { get; set; } - Set SignificanceLevel. Default when not set is 1.96.
- string SignificanceText { get; set; } - Get/set Significance text. Default text is Significance.
- int SortDataType { get; set; } - Get/set which data should be sorted, using Diagram_SortDataType_xxx constant.
- bool StDev { get; set; } - Estimates standard deviation based on a sample.
- string StDevText { get; set; } - Get/set text to StdDev column
- bool StError { get; set; } - Enables or disables the standard error row which can be shown for table diagrams.
- string StErrorText { get; set; } - Get/set StdError text
- string TotalAnswerText { get; set; } - Set the text for the total answers row, which is one of the statistical rows that can be shown for tables. If this function is not used then the label for the row will just be the default value Total answers.
- string TotalText { get; set; } - Get/set the text for the total row, which is one of the statistical rows that can be shown for tables. If this function is not used then the label for the row will just be the default value "Total".
- (From object) TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.
- bool UseAxisName { get; set; } - Sets diagrams to use axis name instead of axis text as labels for the diagram series names (basically identifying what a question concerns). If not set the default value is False, meaning that axis texts will be used.
- bool Variance { get; set; } - Estimates variance based on a data cache column’s values.
- string VarianceText { get; set; } - Get/set Variance text.
- string Weight { get; set; } - Weight