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QuestionTemplate class

From Catglobe Wiki
Revision as of 05:09, 11 May 2022 by Administrator (talk | contribs)
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The question template. Implemented serialization

Parent class

Inherits from object


  • (int id "Question id") - Fetch exists question
  • (string label "Question label", QuestionType constant type "Question type, use constant Question_Type_xxx", QuestionnaireTemplate qt "Questionnaire template") - Create new question and add it to questionnaire template


  • object GetProperty(PropertyType constant type "Use constant Question_Property_xxxx") - Get value of property type, return empty if not found
  • object GetProperty(PropertyType constant type "Use constant Question_Property_xxxx", int gridNumber "Index of sub question that the property belong to") - Get value of property type, return empty if not found
  • Empty SetProperty(PropertyType constant type "Use constant Question_Property_xxxx", object value "String or LocalizedString depend on property type. If value is empty then the property will be removed") - Set value for property type
  • Empty SetProperty(PropertyType constant type "Use constant Question_Property_xxxx", int gridNumber "Index of sub question that the property belong to", object value "String or LocalizedString depend on property type. If value is empty then the property will be removed") - Set value for property type
  • (From object) string ToString() - The string representation of the object.


  • array AnswerOptions { get; } - Get configuration answer options of this question template. Item type is AnswerOption
  • array Conditions { get; } - Get configuration conditional of this question template. Item type is QuestionCondition
  • bool HasData { get; } - Check if this question contains data or not
  • int Id { get; } - Question id
  • string Label { get; set; } - Question label
  • string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
  • array Properties { get; } - Get configuration properties of this question template. Item type is QuestionProperty
  • array SubQuestions { get; } - Get configuration answer options of this question template. Item type is SubQuestion
  • LocalizedString Text { get; set; } - Question text
  • QuestionType constant Type { get; set; } - Question type, use constant Question_Type_xxx
  • (From object) TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.


// create a new question (Open type)
Questionnaire qnaire = new Questionnaire (17148177);
QuestionnaireTemplate qt = new QuestionnaireTemplate (qnaire.TemplateId);
QuestionTemplate q = new QuestionTemplate ("Q1", Question_Type_Open, qt);
q.Text = new LocalizedString ({"": "Q1 text"}, "");
new AnswerOption (q).Text.SetTranslation ("", "Don't know");
// create a new question (singleGrid type)
Questionnaire qnaire = new Questionnaire (17148177);
QuestionnaireTemplate qt = new QuestionnaireTemplate (qnaire.TemplateId);
QuestionTemplate q = new QuestionTemplate ("Q2", Question_Type_SingleGrid, qt);
q.Text = new LocalizedString ({"": "Q2 text"}, "");
new AnswerOption (q).Text.SetTranslation ("", "Option 1");
new AnswerOption (q).Text.SetTranslation ("", "Option 2");
new SubQuestion (q).Text.SetTranslation ("", "Sub question 1");
new SubQuestion (q).Text.SetTranslation ("", "Sub question 2");
//create a new question (scaleGrid type)
Questionnaire qnaire = new Questionnaire (17148177);
QuestionnaireTemplate qt = new QuestionnaireTemplate (qnaire.TemplateId);
QuestionTemplate q = new QuestionTemplate ("Q3", Question_Type_ScaleGrid, qt);
q.Text = new LocalizedString ({"": "Q3 text"}, "");
new SubQuestion (q).Text.SetTranslation ("", "Sub question 1");
new SubQuestion (q).Text.SetTranslation ("", "Sub question 2");
for(i for 0; q.SubQuestions.Count){
	new QuestionProperty (Question_Property_Minimum, i, q).Value = "1";
	new QuestionProperty (Question_Property_Maximum, i, q).Value = "5";
	new QuestionProperty (Question_Property_MinimumText, i, q).Value.SetTranslation("", "Min text");
	new QuestionProperty (Question_Property_MaximumText, i, q).Value.SetTranslation("", "Max text");
//Get all existing properties of a quesion
Questionnaire qnaire = new Questionnaire (17148177);
QuestionnaireTemplate qt = new QuestionnaireTemplate (qnaire.TemplateId);
QuestionTemplate q = qt.GetQuestion("Q1");
for(i for 0; q.Properties.Count){
	QuestionProperty p = q.Properties[i];
		print(p.PropertyTypeAsString +": "+ convertToString(p.Value.ToDictionary()));
	else print (p.PropertyTypeAsString +": "+ p.Value);
// set, get property of a question
Questionnaire qnaire = new Questionnaire (17148177);//unittest: 17148147 tự test: 17148177
QuestionnaireTemplate qt = new QuestionnaireTemplate (qnaire.TemplateId);
QuestionTemplate q = qt.GetQuestion("Q1");
q.SetProperty (Question_Property_EndPoints, "60");
print(q.GetProperty (Question_Property_EndPoints));//60
//get all condition of a question 
Questionnaire qnaire = new Questionnaire (17148177);
QuestionnaireTemplate qt = new QuestionnaireTemplate (qnaire.TemplateId);
QuestionTemplate q = qt.GetQuestion("Q1");
	for(i for 0; q.Conditions.Count){
	QuestionCondition c = q.Conditions[i];
	print(c.ConditionTypeAsString +" "+ c.Label +" "+c.Expression);
//get answerOption of a question 
Questionnaire qnaire = new Questionnaire (17148177);
QuestionnaireTemplate qt = new QuestionnaireTemplate (qnaire.TemplateId);
QuestionTemplate q = qt.GetQuestion("Q1");
	for(i for 0; q.AnswerOptions.Count){
	AnswerOption ao = q.AnswerOptions[i];
//get subQuesion of a grid question 
Questionnaire qnaire = new Questionnaire (17148177);
QuestionnaireTemplate qt = new QuestionnaireTemplate (qnaire.TemplateId);
QuestionTemplate q = qt.GetQuestion("Q2");
	for(i for 0; q.SubQuestions.Count){
	SubQuestion sq = q.SubQuestions[i];