A way to copy resources
- (number sourceResourceId "Resource Id of the source", number destParentResourceId "Resource Id of the parent to copy to", string destName "New resource name") - Setup the copy. Finalize copy by calling CopyXXX
- Empty CopyBill() - Copy a Bill
- Empty CopyDiagram(bool copyLayout "Make a copy of the layout") - Copy a diagram
- Empty CopyGroup(bool copyUsers "Copy the users", bool copyRules "Copy the group builder rules") - Copy a group
- Empty CopyProduct() - Copy a product
- Empty CopyProject(string projectCode "New project code, may be empty ", string clientref "New clientref") - Copy a project
- Empty CopyQuestionnaire(bool copyQuotas "Copy quotas", bool copyStratifications "Copy stratifications", bool copySamplerules "Copy samplerules", bool sampleRuleCopyRebuild "Rebuild copied sample rules", bool sampleRuleCopyExcludeSource "Add a sample rule that the users should not have participated in the original questionnaire") - Copy a Questionnaire. Always copies template
- Empty CopyQuestionnaireLayout() - Copy a QuestionnaireLayout
- Empty CopyQuestionnaireLayoutTemplate() - Copy a QuestionnaireLayoutTemplate
- Empty CopyQuestionnaireTemplate() - Copy a QuestionnaireTemplate
- Empty CopyReportStyleSheet() - Copy a ReportStyleSheet
- Empty CopyReportTemplate() - Copy a ReportTemplate
- Empty CopySourceAttachments() - Copy the source's Attachments
- Empty CopySourceConstantOption() - Copy the source's ConstantOption
- Empty CopySourceData(bool copyNonSample "Copy non-sample data") - Copy the source's Data
- Empty CopySourceImages() - Copy the source's Images
- Empty CopySourceJournal() - Copy the source's Journal entries
- Empty CopySourceParameters() - Copy the source's Parameters
- Empty CopySourceProductCategories() - Copy the source's ProductCategories
- Empty CopySourceProductOptions() - Copy the source's ProductOptions
- Empty CopySourceProperties() - Copy the source's Properties
- Empty CopyTask(bool copySettings "Copy settings") - Copy a Task
- Empty CopyUser(bool copyNavigationAccess "Copy navigation access", bool copyResourceAccess "Copy resource access", bool copyMembership "Copy group memberships", bool copyUserPrefs "Copy user prefs") - Copy a User
- string ToString() - The string representation of the object.
- string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
- number ResourceIdOfCopy { get; } - Get the resource id of the copy after copying
- TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.