Order object used while processing orders
- Empty AddLog(string msg "Message to add.") - Add an entry to AdminNote automatically appending a newline.
- string ToString() - The string representation of the object.
- string AdminNote { get; } - Get the comments the system or admin has written.
- number GiftPoints { get; } - How many points does the buyer get for completing this order.
- number HandlingPoints { get; } - How many points was used for handling.
- bool IsPhysicalOrder { get; } - Does the order contain physical items or not.
- string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
- number OrderCash { get; } - How much cash was used in total.
- DateTime OrderDate { get; } - Time and date the buyer completed the order.
- string OrderNumber { get; } - The order number of the order.
- string OrderPaymentType { get; } - How was the order paid. Possible values is ByPoint, ByCreditCard, ByInvoice, ByCash, ByGiro, ByDanKort, ByPointAndCreditCard.
- number OrderPoints { get; } - How many points was used in total.
- number PercentageDiscount { get; } - How much discount does this user get.
- number PostagePoints { get; } - How many points was used for postage.
- array ProductOrders { get; } - List of actual products bought.
- number ProductPoints { get; } - How many points was used for the actual products.
- TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.
- bool UseGiftPoints { get; } - Does this user get gift points if a bought product gives some.
- string UserComment { get; } - Get the comment the buyer wrote.
- number UserId { get; } - The id of the user ordering.