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PaymentNamespace class

From Catglobe Wiki
Revision as of 02:35, 25 November 2016 by Nguyenduyan (talk | contribs)


The payment namespace


  • array GetDetailedUsageCost(array startDate "Period start date", array endDate "Period end date") - Get detailed information about cost in the specified period
  • array GetDetailedUsageCost(array startDate "Period start date", array endDate "Period end date", int inFolderResourceId "Top level folder to limit the search to") - Get detailed information about cost in the specified period
  • CatglobeCost GetSimpleUsageCost(array startDate "Period start date", array endDate "Period end date") - Get simple information about cost in the specified period
  • CatglobeCost GetSimpleUsageCost(array startDate "Period start date", array endDate "Period end date", int inFolderResourceId "Top level folder to limit the search to") - Get simple information about cost in the specified period
  • string ToString() - The string representation of the object.
  • Empty UpdateExpired(int inFolderResourceId "Top level folder to limit the search to") - Register any expired packages as used units


  • string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
  • TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.


//array endDate=getCurrentDateTime();
//array startDate = DateTime_subtractDays(endDate,7);
array endDate = {2016,7,16,23,59};
array startDate ={2016,7,16,0,0};
number folderRId =6376;//"Catglobe Solutions" folder;

array DetailedUsageCost1 = Catglobe.Payment.GetDetailedUsageCost(startDate, endDate);
array DetailedUsageCost2 = Catglobe.Payment.GetDetailedUsageCost(startDate, endDate,folderRId);
Catglobe Solutions\CG0699vox - CEM Cars\CG0699vox - CEM Cars Intelligence - Block 1 - Redirect (Q:40000, Cgs:603000, Import:0, Mail:0, Exp:0, Bought:0) = 643000,
Catglobe Solutions\Panel management\Questionnaire\Panel Management - Invitation Log DK (Q:0, Cgs:0, Import:28800, Mail:0, Exp:0, Bought:0) = 28800,
CG1320liv - Potentialemåling - TestTestsen - Round 1 (Q:0, Cgs:0, Import:0, Mail:400, Exp:0, Bought:0) = 400,

array endDate=getCurrentDateTime();
array startDate = DateTime_subtractDays(endDate,7);
number folderRId =6376;//"Catglobe Solutions" folder;;
CatglobeCost SimpleUsageCost1 = Catglobe.Payment.GetSimpleUsageCost(startDate, endDate);
CatglobeCost SimpleUsageCost2 = Catglobe.Payment.GetSimpleUsageCost(startDate, endDate,folderRId);
print(SimpleUsageCost1);// (Q:7080000, Cgs:4785000, Import:29250, Mail:0, Exp:0, Bought:0) = 11894250
print(SimpleUsageCost2);// (Q:0, Cgs:0, Import:0, Mail:0, Exp:0, Bought:0) = 0