Represents a DataCache specification.
- () - Instanciate an existing instance using the current context datacache
- (int ResourceId "Resource Id of the DataCache") - Instanciate an existing instance using the resource id of a datacache
- (string ResourceName "Resource name of the new DataCache", array Questionnaire Ids "List of Questionnaires to use in the creation. Must all belong to same template") - Create a new datacache using quick setup
- Empty AddFilter(string filterQuestionLabel "Question to apply filter to. If empty, then clear current filters", string filterValue "Value of the filter") - Add a filter to the DataCache
- bool AddQuestionnaire(int questionnaireResourceId "Questionnaire to add") - Add another questionnaire to the datacache. Return false if already added
- array CreateAllColumnsForAllQuestions(int questionnaireResourceId "Set the associated questionnaire. Set to 0 to use primary questionnaire") - Find and create all column for all questions. They still need to be saved individually to be added.
- array CreateAllColumnsForQuestion(string question "QuestionLabel for the question you want all the dcs columns for", int questionnaireResourceId "Set the associated questionnaire. Set to 0 to use primary questionnaire") - Find and create all column for a given question. They still need to be saved individually to be added.
- object EvalWhere(string whereExpression "The expression to execute. It must contain 'where' and NOT start with a equal sign, and have 1 and only one semicolon in it") - Evaluate a single where expression up against the current DataCache
- Dictionary EvalWhere(Dictionary whereExpressions "The expressions to execute. They must contain 'where' and MAY start with a equal sign, and have 1 and only one semicolon in it") - Evaluate a number of where expressions up against the current DataCache. If there are 2 or more expressions, the result is cached. Context weight and filters are ignored.
- Dictionary EvalWhere(Dictionary whereExpressions "The expressions to execute. They must contain 'where' and MAY start with a equal sign, and have 1 and only one semicolon in it", string weight "Column name of the weight to use in filter") - Evaluate a number of where expressions up against the current DataCache using a weight. If there are 2 or more expressions, the result is cached. Context weight and filters are ignored.
- Dictionary EvalWhere(Dictionary whereExpressions "The expressions to execute. They must contain 'where' and MAY start with a equal sign, and have 1 and only one semicolon in it", string weight "Column name of the weight to use in filter", string filters "Extra filters that apply to all where expressions") - Evaluate a number of where expressions up against the current DataCache using a weight. If there are 2 or more expressions, the result is cached. Context weight and filters are ignored.
- Empty MakeContext() - Make the current DataCache the context DataCache
- Empty Reset() - Reset to initial quick setup
- Empty Save() - Save the DataCache
- string ToString() - The string representation of the object.
- bool AutoUpdate { get; set; } - Get/Set Auto Update
- bool BuildWithWeight { get; set; } - Get/Set if the DataCache should be built using weights
- int CachedRecords { get; } - How many records does the DataCache currently hold
- array ColumnNames { get; } - List of Column names
- array Columns { get; } - List of Column objects
- bool Completed { get; set; } - Get/Set include completed
- bool Deleted { get; set; } - Get/Set include deleted
- string Description { get; set; } - Get/Set description of the DataCache
- bool Disabled { get; set; } - Get/Set include disabled
- bool InterviewFailed { get; set; } - Get/Set include marked as interview failed
- bool InterviewSucceeded { get; set; } - Get/Set include marked as interview succeeded
- bool IsOutOfDate { get; } - Does the DataCache need to be rebuilt to have the correct content
- string Language { get; set; } - Get/Set the iso code used in building the items that depend on a specific language
- DateTime LastUpdated { get; } - Time of the last rebuild
- string Name { get; set; } - Name of the DataCache resource
- bool Normal { get; set; } - Get/Set include normal
- bool NotStarted { get; set; } - Get/Set include those not yet started
- string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
- bool OutsideTarget { get; set; } - Get/Set include those marked outside target
- bool Partly { get; set; } - Get/Set include partly completed
- ProfilingResult ProfileFromLastEval { get; } - Get the profile result from the last run of EvalWhere.
- array QuestionnaireIds { get; } - List of the questionnaires used in the DataCache
- int QuestionnaireTemplateId { get; } - The resource id of the questionnaire template used in the DataCache
- bool QuotaFull { get; set; } - Get/Set include those with full quota
- int ResourceId { get; } - The Id of the DataCache
- bool Test { get; set; } - Get/Set include those marked as test
- TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.
- int UpdateFrequence { get; set; } - Get/Set Update Frequence in minutes
- Array of objects Weights { get; } - Get list of existing weights.
DCS_use(37244952); // set DCS context
string e1 = "count() where S_Age == [1] && M_Travel == [1,2];";
Dictionary d =
"exp1": "count() where S_Age == [1] && M_Travel == [1,2];",
"exp2": "count() where S_Age == [2] && M_Travel == [1];"
print(DCS_evaluateWhereExpression(e1)); // 68
DataCacheSpecification dcs = new DataCacheSpecification(); // Represent a DCS which is used as current DCS context
print(dcs.EvalWhere(e1)); // 68
print(dcs.EvalWhere(d)); // {"exp1": 68, "exp2": 46}
string e1 = "count() where S_Age == [1] && M_Travel == [1,2];";
Dictionary d =
"exp1": "count() where S_Age == [1] && M_Travel == [1,2];",
"exp2": "count() where S_Age == [2] && M_Travel == [1];"
DataCacheSpecification dcs = new DataCacheSpecification(37244952); // Represents a DCS which has Resource Id: 37244952
print(dcs.EvalWhere(e1)); // 68
print(dcs.EvalWhere(d)); // {"exp1": 68, "exp2": 46}
dcs.MakeContext(); // or you can use DCS_use(RID) instead
print(DCS_evaluateWhereExpression(e1)); // without the previous statement (dcs.MakeContext();), you will get error at this line because there is no DCS context is set, so you can not use DCS_evaluateWhereExpression(e1)
dcs.Partly = false; // Not include the partly completed QASs
dcs.NotStarted = false; // Not include the not started QASs
dcs.Save(); // Must save to make the above statements applied on DCS, but this statement does not REBUILD the DCS
Ex 3:
ProfilingResult pr;
DataCacheSpecification dcs = new DataCacheSpecification(12006923);
pr = dcs.ProfileFromLastEval;
pr.EnableProfiling = true;
"ex1": "count() where true"
print(pr.CompileTime); // 0.1694
print(pr.CountResult); // {"5": {"2": 1}, "9": {"4": 1}}
print(pr.DependencyGraphTime); // 0
print(pr.TimeResult); // {"10": {"-1": 0.0158, "4": 0.0158}, "11": {"-1": 0.0021, "4": 0.0021}, "5": {"-1": 1.1024, "2": 1.1024}, "9": {"-1": 0.0063, "4": 0.0063}}
print(pr.WhereExpTime); // 0
Ex 4:
DataCacheSpecification dcs = new DataCacheSpecification(15517146);
array questionColumns = dcs.CreateAllColumnsForQuestion("Q1",0); //Create new column(s) for a question and use primary questionnaire
for(number i= 0; i < questionColumns.Count; i++){
questionColumns[i].Save(); //or method .Delete() in case removing column from dcs
dcs.Save(); //Must save to make the above statements applied on DCS, but this statement does not REBUILD the DCS
Ex 5:
DataCacheSpecification dcs = new DataCacheSpecification(15517146);
array questionColumns = dcs.CreateAllColumnsForAllQuestions(15517148); //Create ALL columns for ALL questions.Set to 0 to use primary questionnaire
for(number i= 0; i < questionColumns.Count; i++){
dcs.Save(); //Must save to make the above statements applied on DCS, but this statement does not REBUILD the DCS