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Revision as of 07:52, 10 September 2009 by Catglobe (talk | contribs) (Created page with 'Image:Diagram 3.JPG The diagram above is a cross diagram which is made by crossing 2 axes together:<br>- The x-axis will be used a time set.<br>- The y-axis will be the ans…')
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The diagram above is a cross diagram which is made by crossing 2 axes together:
- The x-axis will be used a time set.
- The y-axis will be the answer option which used to shown its value.

The following steps show you how to create the above diagram

Step 1.Create a new time set in Time set list. 

1. Open the Data Cache in Data Cache list (Tools/Data/Data Caches)

 2. In the Data Cache tab: 

   2.1 Select Column’s type then click “Add Column” button to insert a new Custom column

           - A new Custom column is used to define the quarters.

           - Data type : Number 

           - Save numbers : 0,1,4 and null.

                 0 : if the date of the EndDate column is the same quarter with the current date in the system

                 1 : if the date of the EndDate column is in the previous quarter of current date in the system.

                 4 : if the date of the EndDate column is in the same quarter but in last year of current date in the system.

                 Null : if the date of the EndDate column is in other quarters.

   2.2 Put the CGScript which defines Current Year and Last Year

- Input Name of the Custom column, this name will be an option of the axis set.

- Insert the CGSript.      

// CGScript

array a = DateTime_parse(EndDate, "MM/dd/yyyy");

array today = getDateTime();

number todayYear = today[DateTime_Year];

number todayMonth = today[DateTime_Month];

number TodayQuarter = 1;

number endDateQuarter = 1;

number IsLastQuarter = 1;

number IsThisQuarter = 0;

number IsSameQuarterLastYear = 4;

if (todayMonth == 1 || todayMonth == 2 || todayMonth == 3)

TodayQuarter = 1;

else if (todayMonth == 4 || todayMonth == 5 || todayMonth == 6)

TodayQuarter = 2;

else if (todayMonth == 7 || todayMonth == 8 || todayMonth == 9)

TodayQuarter = 3;

else TodayQuarter = 4;

if (a[1] == 1 || a[1] == 2 || a[1] == 3)

endDateQuarter = 1;

else if (a[1] == 4 || a[1] == 5 || a[1] == 6)

endDateQuarter = 2;

else if (a[1] == 7 || a[1] == 8 || a[1] == 9)

endDateQuarter = 3;

else endDateQuarter = 4;

if (a[0] == todayYear && endDateQuarter == TodayQuarter)

return IsThisQuarter;

else if (a[0] == todayYear && TodayQuarter - endDateQuarter == 1)

return IsLastQuarter;

else if (todayYear - a[0] == 1 && endDateQuarter == TodayQuarter)

return IsSameQuarterLastYear;

//End Script

- Save the Custom column.

 3. Go to the Axis set tab: Create a new axis set    

       3.1 Create a new axis set

  3.2 Input value to the new axis set


       Axis math – base, Axis pct – base, Option value : will be used the Custom column’s name.

       For example :


  4. Save the Data cache.

Step 2. Create Dashboard item whose type is Cross diagram.  

     1. Go to Dashboard list (Tools/ Reports/ Dashboard).

   2. Create a new dashboard or edit an existing one.   

   3. In General Information tab: Data caches list must have the DCS which is created at step 1.

   4. Layout tab: Create Dashboard items.

      4.1 Create Dashboard (DB) item 1 whose type is Shown axis. 

         o Data cache: use the DCS which is created at step 1.

         o This DB item will be used as the X-axis of the cross diagram that has 4 options: Custom Service, Product, Web site and Brand. 

      4.2 Create Dashboard (DB) item 2 whose type is Shown axis. 

         o Data cache : use the DCS which is created at step 1.

         o This DB item will be used as Y-axis of the cross diagram that has 3 options: Same Quarter Last Year, This Quarter and Last Quarter.

      4.3 Create Dashboard (DB) item 3 whose type is Cross diagram :

         o Data cache: use the DCS which is created at step 1.

         o Chart type: Bar

         o X – axis: must be DB item 4.1

         o Y – axis: must be DB item 4.2

         o Style sheet: choose a style sheet which is created in the Style sheet list.

         o Data format: absolute

         o Direction: Vertical

   5. Insert these Dashboard items to the HTML editor then save the Dashboard.

// Finish creating the diagram.