Represents aall axis in a data cache specification.
Parent class
Inherits from object
- () - Load axisset for current dcs
- bool AddAxis(Axis axis "Axis to add") - Add axis to set
- Empty AddGroup(AxisGroup groups "Group to add") - Add a group
- Empty AutoFix() - Remove all invalid axis from set
- bool AxisExists(string name "Name of axis to find") - Return true if an axis of the name exists
- Empty Clear() - Remove all axis and groups from the set
- object this[] { get; }(int axisIndex "Index of axis.") - Get an axis based on index.
- object this[] { get; }(string axisName "The axis name to lookup.") - Get an item based on a axis name.
- Axis GetAxis(string name "Name of axis to find") - Get axis by name
- Array of string GetAxisNames() - Get all axis names
- bool RemoveAxis(string name "Name of axis to remove") - Remove axis from set
- Empty RemoveGroup(AxisGroup groups "Group to remove") - Remove a group
- Empty Reset() - Reset axisset to last saved axisset
- Empty Save() - Save the DCS, which saves the axisset also
- (From object) string ToString() - The string representation of the object.
- bool UpdateAxis(Axis axis "Axis to update") - Add axis to update
- int Count { get; } - Returns the number of axes in the set
- Array of AxisGroup Groups { get; } - Get the groups of the set
- string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
- (From object) TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.
Static Methods
- bool AxisSet_addAxis(Axis axis "Axis to add") - Add axis to set
- Empty AxisSet_autoFix() - Remove all invalid axis from set
- bool AxisSet_axisExists(string name "Name of axis to find") - Return true if an axis of the name exists
- Empty AxisSet_clear() - Remove all axis from the set
- int AxisSet_count() - Returns the number of axes in the set
- Axis AxisSet_getAxis(string name "Name of axis to find") - Get axis by name
- Array of string AxisSet_getAxisNames() - Get all axis names
- bool AxisSet_removeAxis(string name "Name of axis to remove") - Remove axis from set
- Empty AxisSet_reset() - Reset axisset to last saved axisset
- Empty AxisSet_save() - Save the DCS, which saves the axisset also
- bool AxisSet_updateAxis(Axis axis "Axis to update") - Add axis to update