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BulkmailResourceTemplate class

From Catglobe Wiki


A bulkmail resource template.

Parent class

Inherits from ResourceTemplate


  • (string name "Resource name") - Create a new bulkmail resource template


  • Empty AddQuarantineToAddUserToAfterSend(int quarantineResourceId "Resource Id of the quarantine") - Add to this quarantine upon receiving email
  • Empty AddQuarantineToCheckBeforeSend(int quarantineResourceId "Resource Id of the quarantine") - Prevent user from getting email/SMS if in this quarantine at the time of sending
  • (From ResourceTemplate) Empty DefaultLanguage(string isocode "Iso code to set as default") - Which Localized Name is the default
  • Array of objects GetQuarantineToAddUserToAfterSend() - List of quarantines to add to upon receiving email
  • Array of objects GetQuarantineToAddUserToCheckBeforeSend() - List of quarantines to check before sending
  • (From ResourceTemplate) Empty Save() - Save the ResourceTemplate resource
  • (From ResourceTemplate) Empty SaveProperties() - Save the properties of the ResourceTemplate resource. Ignores changes to all constant options in use
  • (From object) string ToString() - The string representation of the object.


  • bool DependantSendToCompleted { get; set; } - Is the default that respondents that have completed their QAS gets message
  • bool DependantSendToNotStarted { get; set; } - Is the default that respondents that have not yet started their QAS gets message
  • bool DependantSendToPartly { get; set; } - Is the default that respondents that have partly completed their QAS gets message
  • bool IsBulkDependant { get; set; } - Does the recipients of the bulkmail/SMS depend on previous sendings on another bulkmail/SMS
  • (From ResourceTemplate) string LocalizedName { get; } - Localized Name for current user of the ResourceTemplate resource
  • (From ResourceTemplate) Dictionary LocalizedNames { get; set; } - Localized Name of the ResourceTemplate resource
  • string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
  • (From ResourceTemplate) array Properties { get; } - Get the list of current properties. Use AddProperty/RemoveProperty to edit order
  • (From ResourceTemplate) int ResourceId { get; } - The Id of the ResourceTemplate
  • (From ResourceTemplate) string ResourceName { get; } - Name of the ResourceTemplate resource
  • (From ResourceTemplate) int ResourceTemplateType { get; } - The type of resource that this ResourceTemplate covers
  • (From ResourceTemplate) bool ResourceTimeregEnabled { get; set; } - Get/set ResourceTimeregEnabled
  • (From object) TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.


BulkmailResourceTemplate templates=new BulkmailResourceTemplate("Bulkmail templates 2");

templates.IsBulkDependant =true;

templates.DependantSendToPartly = true;

templates.DependantSendToCompleted = true;

templates.DependantSendToNotStarted = true;

templates.LocalizedNames = {"da-DK": "Bulkmail templates 2"};




