The questionnaire object.
Parent class
Inherits from object
- (int id "Id of questionnaire") - Fetch exists questionnaire by id
- (string qualifiedName "Qualified name of questionnaire") - Fetch exists questionnaire by name
- (string name "Questionnaire's name", int parentId "Resource parent's id", int layoutId "Questionnaire layout's id") - Create new questionnaire with new questionnaire template and use default resource template
- (string name "Questionnaire's name", int parentId "Resource parent's id", int layoutId "Questionnaire layout's id", int templateId "Questionnaire template's id", int resourceTemplateId "Resource tempalte's id of questionnaire. Set it's 0 to use default resource template") - Create new questionnaire with exist template
- string GetLink() - Get the url to participate in answering the questionnaire
- Empty RebuildSample() - Rebuild all sample rules in questionnaire
- Empty Save() - Save questionnaire. It also save for new questionnaire template, sample rule, quota. For update, you should call save in specific object.
- (From object) string ToString() - The string representation of the object.
- DateTime AutomaticCloseDate { get; set; } - Automatic close date
- DateTime AutomaticReleaseDate { get; set; } - Automatic release date
- string AverageInterviewSucceededTime { get; } - Average successful interview time
- bool Completed { get; set; } - Questionnaire status completed or not
- int CreatedByUserId { get; } - User created this questionnaire
- DateTime CreatedDate { get; } - When this questionnaire created
- DateTime DevelopmentEndDate { get; set; } - Development end date
- DateTime DevelopmentStartDate { get; set; } - Development start date
- number EstimatedTotalTime { get; } - Estimated total time to run out questionnaire
- int Id { get; } - Reosurce id of questionnaire
- int ImpersonationUserId { get; set; } - Run questionnaire context with permission of specific user. Set its value is 0 to remove
- int LayoutId { get; set; } - Questionnaire layout's id
- int ModifiedByUserId { get; } - User last updated this questionnaire
- DateTime ModifiedDate { get; } - Last time modify this questionnaire
- string Name { get; set; } - Questionnaire name
- int NumberOfActiveNotContacted { get; } - Number of not started answer sheets which are related to active sample rules
- int NumberOfActiveSample { get; } - Number of answer sheets that are related to existing sample rules and where these sample rules are active (you can deactivate sample rules in the CATI)
- int NumberOfAvailable { get; } - Number of answer sheets (both created via samples, from import, as well as through recurring links) that have not yet been answered.
- int NumberOfAvailableActive { get; } - Number of answer sheets which are still active for answering. In other words the available answer sheets minus any sheets that have failed (user does not want to answer)
- int NumberOfCompleted { get; } - Number of answer sheets which were completed
- int NumberOfCompletedToday { get; } - Number of answer sheets which were completed on current date (server time-zone)
- int NumberOfInterviewSucceeded { get; } - Number of interviews carried out through CATI that were successful.
- int NumberOfInterviewSucceededToday { get; } - Number of interviews carried out through CATI that were successful on current date (server time-zone)
- int NumberOfNotContacted { get; } - Number of answer sheets which have yet not been started
- int NumberOfPartly { get; } - Specifies the number of sample respondents that have partly answered the questionnaire (means they have at least clicked the link to open their personal version of the questionnaire)
- int NumberOfSample { get; } - Total number of answer sheets related to the questionnaire
- int NumberOfTest { get; } - Number of test answer sheets
- string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
- int ParentId { get; set; } - Parent resource's id
- string QualifiedName { get; } - Get qualified name of questionnaire
- Array of Quota Quotas { get; } - All quotas associated with questionnaire
- int ResourceTemplateId { get; set; } - Resource tempalte's id of questionnaire. Set it's 0 to use default resource template
- Array of SampleRule SampleRules { get; } - All sample rules associated with questionnaire
- QuestionnaireStatus constant Status { get; set; } - Questionnaire status. Use constant QUESTIONNAIRE_STATUS_xxx
- int Target { get; set; } - Questionnaire target number
- int TemplateId { get; } - Questionnaire template's id
- int TimeEstimateId { get; set; } - Questionnaire time estimate's id. Set its value is 0 to remove
- string TimeEstimateName { get; set; } - Questionnaire time estimate's name. Set its value is empty to remove
- (From object) TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.
Static Methods
- Questionnaire Questionnaire_current() - Get questionnaire in current QAS or PQ context
//create new qnaire and also new qnaireTemplate under
string qnaireName = "test";
number parentId = 17148135;
number layoutId = 15735155;
Questionnaire qnaire = new Questionnaire (qnaireName, parentId, layoutId);
qnaire.ResourceTemplateId = 11088801;
//create new qnaire using existing qnaireTemplate
string qnaireName = "test";
number parentId = 17148135;
number layoutId = 15735155;
number qnaireTemplateId = 17148298;
number resourceTemplateId = 11088801;// set 0 to use the default
Questionnaire qnaire = new Questionnaire (qnaireName, parentId, layoutId, qnaireTemplateId, resourceTemplateId);