An interviewer shift
Parent class
Inherits from object
- Empty Save() - Save the shift
- (From object) string ToString() - The string representation of the object.
- int DaysToDecreasingDemands { get; } - Get when the qualification requirement is decreased
- int DaysToDisapprove { get; } - Get number of days prior to start of shift, that interviewer can unbook the shift
- DateTime EndTime { get; } - Get date for end of shift
- string FacilityGroupName { get; } - Get name of facility
- int FacilityGroupResourceId { get; } - Get resource id of facility
- string InterviewerName { get; } - Get name of interviewer
- int InterviewerUserResourceId { get; set; } - Get resource id of interviewer
- string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
- int ShiftTeamId { get; } - Get id of ShiftTeamId
- string ShiftTeamName { get; } - Get name of ShiftTeam
- DateTime StartTime { get; } - Get date for start of shift
- (From object) TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.